30 citations
related to Merchants
30 citations
related to Merchants as a subject or category
Claudia Rei
Turning points in leadership: Ship size in the Portuguese and Dutch merchant empires.
Social Science History
(pp. 285-308).
Arnaud Bartolomei; Matthieu de Oliveira; Boris Deschanel; et al.
(Spring 2021)
The Making of Commercial Innovations: The Use of Printed Commercial Circular Letters in France and Europe, 1750-1850.
Business History Review
(pp. 33-58).
Dane Anthony Morrison
Eastward of Good Hope : Early America in a dangerous world.
Edmond Smith
Merchants: The community that shaped England's trade and empire, 1550-1650.
Esther Sahle
Quakers in the British Atlantic world, c.1660-1800.
Henning Hillmann
The corsairs of Saint-Malo: network organization of a merchant elite under the Ancien Régime.
Rob Johnstone
From Georgian traders to Victorian glass makers: The evolution of the Chance family business and its role in developing glass manufacturing.
International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology
(pp. 199-218).
Didi van Trijp
Fresh Fish: Observation up Close in Late Seventeenth-Century England.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 311-332).
Robert Bickers
China Bound: John Swire & Sons and Its World, 1816–1980.
Fanny Bessard
Caliphs and merchants : Cities and economies of power in the Near East (700-950).
Nicola Lorenzo Barile
Rethinking 'The Two Italies': Circulation of Goods and Merchants between Venice and the 'Regno' in the Late Middle Ages.
In: Comparing Two Italies: Civic Tradition, Trade Networks, Family Relationships between the Italy of Communes and the Kingdom of Sicily.
Bart Holterman
The Fish Lands: German Trade with Iceland, Shetland and the Faroe Islands in the Late 15th and 16th Century.
Thomas Max Safley
Family Firms and Merchant Capitalism in Early Modern Europe : The Business, Bankruptcy and Resilience of the Höchstetters of Augsburg.
Stefania Gialdroni; Dauchy, Serge,; Cordes, Albrecht
Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law.
Catherine Casson; Mark Casson
(Summer 2019)
“To Dispose of Wealth in Works of Charity”: Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy in Medieval England.
Business History Review
(pp. 473-502).
David von Mayenburg
Wörter für Wucher: Ius commune and the Sixteenth Century Debate on the Legitimacy of South German Trading Houses.
In: Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law
(pp. 176-231).
Cornelia Aust
Transfer of Credit, Mercantile Mobility, and Language among Jewish Merchants in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Central and East Central Europe.
In: Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law
(pp. 232-259).
Stefania Gialdroni
Propter Conversationem Diversarum Gentium: Migrating Words and Merchants in Medieval Pisa.
In: Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law
(pp. 28-53).
Mark Häberlein
Coming to Terms with the Atlantic World: German Merchants, Language, and English Legal Culture in the Early Modern Period.
In: Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law
(pp. 263-288).
Cohen, Mark R.
Migrating Words and Migrating Custom among the Geniza Merchants: Maimonides on Commercial Agency Law.
In: Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law
(pp. 13-27).
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