405 citations
related to IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
John Mullin; Zenia Kotval
Jacob Estey, the Estey Organ Company and the Harmonious Town of Brattleboro, Vermont.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Matthew Lawrence Daley
Review of "Behemoth: a history of the factory and the making of the modern world".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
T. Arron Kotlensky
Review of "Making Industrial Pittsburgh Modern: Environment, Landscape, Transportation, and Planning".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Jonathan Coopersmith
Review of "Remaking the rust belt: The postindustrial transformation of North America".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Brent D. Glass
Review of "Building Washington : engineering and construction of the new Federal City, 1790-1840".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Fredric L. Quivik
Review of "Industrial Heritage Sites in Transformations: Clash of Discourses".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
L. Michael Kaas
Review of "The city that ate itself: Butte, Montana and its expanding Berkeley Pit".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Martha M. Mayer
Review of "Archaeology of East Asian shipbuilding".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Malone, Patrick M.
Review of "Timber, sail, and rail: An archaeology of industry, immigration, and the Loma Prieta Mill".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
David T. Palmer
Industrial Archaeology on the Bayou Teche: Archaeological exploration of the Lutzenberger Iron Foundry, New Iberia, Louisiana.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Lloyd B. Tepper
Dust, Disability, and Death: Silicosis Through the Ages.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Gerald Weinstein
Review of "Engines of Rebellion: Confederate Ironclads and Steam Engineering in the American Civil War".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Gerald Weinstein
Review of "The Bonanza King: John Mackay and the Battle over the Greatest Riches in the American West".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Virginia P. Dawson
Review of "Refining nature : Standard Oil and the limits of efficiency".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Gerald Weinstein
Review of "The Apocalypse Factory: Plutonium and the Making of the Atomic Age".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
T. Arron Kotlensky
Review of "Before the Refrigerator: How We Used to Get Ice".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Betsy Fahlman
Review of "After Promontory : one hundred and fifty years of transcontinental railroading".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Amanda Rowe
Review of "Mining the Borderlands: Industry, Capital, and the Emergence of Engineers in the Southwest Territories, 1855-1910".
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Christopher H. Marston
The Education of an Icon: An Interview with Robert M. Vogel.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 45-68).
Jet Lowe
Falling Through the Portals of History.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 165-178).
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