26 citations
related to Mainz, Vera V.
26 citations
related to Mainz, Vera V. as an author
Vera V. Mainz; Gregory S. Girolami
St. Elmo Brady.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 177-177).
Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; Gregory S. Girolami
150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium.
E. Thomas Strom; Vera V. Mainz
Pioneers of Magnetic Resonance.
Dean F. Martin; Vera V. Mainz; Gregory S. Girolami
St. Elmo Brady (1884-1966). The First African American Chemistry Doctorate Recipient.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 83-107).
Eric R. Scerri; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
The Impact of Twentieth-Century Physics on the Periodic Table and Some Remaining Questions in the Twenty-First Century.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 409-423).
Ronald Brashear; Gary Patterson; Carmen J. Giunta; et al.
Josiah Parsons Cooke, the Natural Philosophy of Sir John F. W. Herschel and the Rational Chemistry of the Elements.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 43-59).
Ann E. Robinson; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
Dmitri Mendeleev and the Periodic System: Philosophy, Periodicity, and Predictions.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 13-33).
Vera V. Mainz; Carmen J. Giunta; Gregory S. Girolami
Mary Elvira Weeks and Discovery of the Elements.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 343-383).
Mary Virginia Orna; Marco Fontani; Carmen J. Giunta; et al.
Discovery of Three Elements Predicted by Mendeleev’s Table: Gallium, Scandium, and Germanium.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 227-257).
Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; Gregory S. Girolami
Editors’ Introduction.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 1-10).
Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; Gregory S. Girolami
Vis Tellurique of Alexandre-Émile Béguyer de Chancourtois.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 61-91).
Jay A. Labinger; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
The History (and Pre-history) of the Discovery and Chemistry of the Noble Gases.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 303-327).
Gisela Boeck; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
The Periodic Table of the Elements and Lothar Meyer.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 195-214).
William B. Jensen; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
The Trouble with Triads.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 35-42).
Gregory S. Girolami; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz
Gustavus Hinrichs and His Charts of the Elements.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 133-193).
Kit Chapman; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
Element Discovery and the Birth of the Atomic Age.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 329-342).
Virginia Trimble; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
Astronomy Meets the Periodic Table, Or, How Much Is There of What, and Why?.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 387-407).
Vera V. Mainz; Carmen J. Giunta; Gregory S. Girolami
Translation of §§ 91–94 of Lothar Meyer’s Modernen Theorien (1864).
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 215-224).
Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; Julianna Poole-Sawyer; et al.
Periodicity in Britain: The Periodic Tables of Odling and Newlands.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 93-131).
Simon A. Cotton; Carmen J. Giunta; Vera V. Mainz; et al.
The Rare Earths, a Challenge to Mendeleev, No Less Today.
In: 150 Years of the Periodic Table: A Commemorative Symposium
(pp. 259-301).
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