7 citations
related to Medical records
7 citations
related to Medical records as a subject or category
Daisy Cunynghame
Discussing Patients in Private and in Print: The Records of an Eighteenth-Century Dispensary.
Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
(pp. 75-91).
Mary F. E. Ebeling
Afterlives of Data: Life and Debt under Capitalist Surveillance.
Paraskevas Vezyridis; Stephen Timmons
(August 2021)
E-Infrastructures and the divergent assetization of public health data: Expectations, uncertainties, and asymmetries.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 606-627).
Martin Petitclerc; Yvan Rousseau; François Guérard
Faire chambre à part: Patients indigents et payants dans les hôpitaux généraux de Montréal en 1911.
Canadian Historical Review
(pp. 570-599).
Morag Allan Campbell
‘Noisy, restless and incoherent’: puerperal insanity at Dundee Lunatic Asylum.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 44-57).
Ole Dohrmann
Die Entwicklung der medizinischen Dokumentation im Charité-Krankenhaus zu Berlin am Beispiel der psychiatrischen Krankenakten von 1866 bis 1945 ... der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften).
Alice Street
(December 2011)
Artefacts of not-knowing: The medical record, the diagnosis and the production of uncertainty in Papua New Guinean biomedicine.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 815-834).
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