ID: CBA259578869

Medical records

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Article Daisy Cunynghame (2023)
Discussing Patients in Private and in Print: The Records of an Eighteenth-Century Dispensary. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (pp. 75-91). (/p/isis/citation/CBB088329294/) unapi

Book Mary F. E. Ebeling (2022)
Afterlives of Data: Life and Debt under Capitalist Surveillance. (/p/isis/citation/CBB663965321/) unapi

Article Paraskevas Vezyridis; Stephen Timmons (August 2021)
E-Infrastructures and the divergent assetization of public health data: Expectations, uncertainties, and asymmetries. Social Studies of Science (pp. 606-627). (/p/isis/citation/CBB744787120/) unapi

Article Martin Petitclerc; Yvan Rousseau; François Guérard (2021)
Faire chambre à part: Patients indigents et payants dans les hôpitaux généraux de Montréal en 1911. Canadian Historical Review (pp. 570-599). (/p/isis/citation/CBB979451883/) unapi

Article Morag Allan Campbell (2017)
‘Noisy, restless and incoherent’: puerperal insanity at Dundee Lunatic Asylum. History of Psychiatry (pp. 44-57). (/p/isis/citation/CBB791023960/) unapi

Book Ole Dohrmann (2015)
Die Entwicklung der medizinischen Dokumentation im Charité-Krankenhaus zu Berlin am Beispiel der psychiatrischen Krankenakten von 1866 bis 1945 ... der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften). (/p/isis/citation/CBB975790912/) unapi

Article Alice Street (December 2011)
Artefacts of not-knowing: The medical record, the diagnosis and the production of uncertainty in Papua New Guinean biomedicine. Social Studies of Science (pp. 815-834). (/p/isis/citation/CBB480850883/) unapi


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