ID: CBA000165060

Space race

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Article Subodhana Wijeyeratne (2022)
Between the Rocket and the Deep Blue Sea: Local Resistance and Reconciliation to Japanese Space Facilities, 1945‒2003. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 108-127). (/p/isis/citation/CBB711030059/) unapi

Book Colin Burgess (2021)
The Greatest Adventure: A History of Human Space Exploration. (/p/isis/citation/CBB522094008/) unapi

Thesis Matthew S. Kitchens (2021)
The First Space Race, 1914-1933: How the Press Shaped Spaceflight. (/p/isis/citation/CBB088643245/) unapi

Book Roger D. Launius (2019)
Reaching for the Moon: A Short History of the Space Race. (/p/isis/citation/CBB525707885/) unapi

Book Giovanni Caprara (2019)
Oltre il cielo. Incontri straordinari con esploratori della Luna e dello spazio. (/p/isis/citation/CBB296797858/) unapi

Book David J. Eicher; Brian May; Jim Lovell; et al. (2018)
Mission Moon 3-D: A New Perspective on the Space Race. (/p/isis/citation/CBB707272469/) unapi

Book Christopher Gainor (2018)
The Bomb and America's Missile Age. (/p/isis/citation/CBB915420021/) unapi

Book Alexander C. T. Geppert (2018)
Limiting Outer Space: Astroculture After Apollo. (/p/isis/citation/CBB025422740/) unapi

Thesis William Marino (2018)
Outer Space in a Western Place: How Environmental Perceptions of the American West Shaped the Space Race. (/p/isis/citation/CBB499322594/) unapi

Article Allan A. Needell (July 2017)
James E. Webb, Technocracy, and the New Deal Roots of “Space Age Management”. Technology and Culture (pp. 790-814). (/p/isis/citation/CBB819056615/) unapi

Review David, James (July 2017)
Review of "Eyeing the Red Storm: Eisenhower and the First Attempt to Build a Spy". Technology and Culture. (/p/isis/citation/CBB677842509/) unapi

Review Allen, Kera Jones (2017)
Review of "Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race". IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. (/p/isis/citation/CBB084734115/) unapi

Book Robert M. Dienesch (2016)
Eyeing the Red Storm: Eisenhower and the First Attempt to Build a Spy. (/p/isis/citation/CBB217656863/) unapi

Book Shetterly, Margot Lee (2016)
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race. (/p/isis/citation/CBB747088865/) unapi

Book Mieczkowski, Yanek (2013)
Eisenhower's Sputnik Moment: The Race for Space and World Prestige. (/p/isis/citation/CBB001550274/) unapi

Article Jones, T.D. (Fall 2008)
Mercury Rising. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 24-32). (/p/isis/citation/CBB761888464/) unapi


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