84 citations
related to Media (communications)
84 citations
related to Media (communications) as a subject or category
Luca Tambolo
Il mondo su misura. Introduzione al negazionismo scientifico.
Alberto López Cuenca
Towards a posthumanistic knowledge production. Multimedia artistic research during the rise of neoliberalism in Mexico.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society.
Lukas Engelmann; Catherine M Montgomery; Steve Sturdy; et al.
Domesticating models: On the contingency of Covid-19 modelling in UK media and policy.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 121-145).
McLaughlin, David
Appalachian Hikers’ Digital Journals. Collective Writing for an Unruly Landscape.
(pp. 84-94).
Nelleke Teughels
Films Fixes, the Forgotten Medium of the Catholic Battle Against Secularization in Interwar Belgium.
In: Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940
(pp. 209-233).
Ilja Van Damme; Jongepier, Iason; Margo Buelens-Terryn
Shine a Light: Catholic Media Use, Transformations in the Public Sphere, and the Voice of the Urban Masses (Antwerp and Brussels, c. 1880 – c. 1920).
In: Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940
(pp. 101-122).
Sabine Lenk
Masonic Slide Cultures: Teaching, Meditation, Optimization.
In: Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940
(pp. 241-258).
Sabine Lenk; Kessler, Frank
Teaching Faith with the Lantern: Audio-visual Lantern Performances by the Clergy in France and Belgium Around 1900.
In: Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940
(pp. 123-138).
Bart G. Moens; Dominique Nasta
Religious Temperance Propaganda and Multimodal Aesthetics of Emotion. The Lantern Slide Set ‘Un poison mortel’ and Early Film Adaptations of Émile Zola’s L’Assommoir.
In: Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940
(pp. 155-168).
Philippe Marion; Natalija Majsova
The Edifying Structures of the Bijou Imaginary. An Investigation into Images, Rhetoric, Memory, and Politics.
In: Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940
(pp. 169-183).
Ned Rossiter
Logistical Media Theory, the Politics of Time, and the Geopolitics of Automation.
In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Matthew Hockenberry
“Every Man Within Earshot”: Auditory Efficiency in the Time of the Telephone.
In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Chapter Logistical Software (2021). In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media. (/p/isis/citation/CBB413003760/)
Ebony Coletu
Pan-African Logistics.
In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Kay Dickinson
Supply Chain Cinema, Supply Chain Education: Training Creative Wizardry for Offshored Exploitation.
In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Chapter Sound from a Music Container (2021). In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media. (/p/isis/citation/CBB047138386/)
Fred Moten; Stefano Harney
Habits of Assembly.
In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Zieger, Susan
“Shipped”: Paper, Print, and the Atlantic Slave Trade.
In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Starosielski, Nicole
The Politics of Cable Supply from the British Empire to Huawei Marine.
In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Chapter Forklift Cinema (2021). In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media. (/p/isis/citation/CBB404158131/)
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