ID: CBA000127256

European Community

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Article Germuska, Pál (2019)
Balancing between the COMECON and the EEC: Hungarian elite debates on European integration during the long 1970s. Cold War History (pp. 401-420). (/p/isis/citation/CBB490676602/) unapi

Article Michael Mayer; Julia Hautz; Christian Stadler; et al. (Summer 2017)
Diversification and Internationalization in the European Single Market: The British Exception. Business History Review (pp. 279-299). (/p/isis/citation/CBB056885812/) unapi

Article Rachel Rothschild (October 2016)
Détente from the Air: Monitoring Air Pollution during the Cold War. Technology and Culture (pp. 831-865). (/p/isis/citation/CBB787336419/) unapi

Chapter Laer, Arthe Van (2010)
Vers une politique de recherche commune: Du silence du Traité CEE au tire de l'Acte unique (Towards a common research policy: The silence of the EEC Treaty to pull the Single Act). In: Les trajectoires de l'innovation technologique et la construction européenne des voies de structuration durable? (Trends in technological innovation and the European construction: The emerging of enduring dynamics?) (pp. 79-100). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181584/) unapi

Book Bouneau, Christophe; Burigana, David; Varsori, Antonio (2010)
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Article Laer, Arthe Van (2010)
Developing an EC computer policy, 1965--1974. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (p. 2). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181582/) unapi

Chapter Schipper, Frank (2007)
The road to Europe: European integration, road networks and the European citizen. In: 23e Congres mondial de la route actes: Paris, 17--21 septembre 2007 ([23rd World Road Congress : proceedings : Paris, 17--21 September 2007) (pp. 17-21). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181616/) unapi

Book Moguen-Toursel, Marine (2007)
Stratégies d'entreprise et action publique dans l'Europe intégrée: Affrontement et apprentissage des acteurs (Firm strategies and public policy in integrated Europe (1950--1980) : Confrontation and learning of economic actors). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181578/) unapi

Article Schipper, Frank (2007)
Changing the face of Europe: European road mobility during the Marshall Plan years. The Journal of Transport History (pp. 211-228). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181614/) unapi

Chapter Laer, Arthe Van (2007)
L'européanisation des marchés publics dans deux secteurs critiques: l'informatique et les télécommunications (1971--1977) [The Europeanisation of public procurement in two critical areas: IT and Telecommunications (1971--1977)]. In: Stratégies d'entreprise et action publique dans l'Europe intégrée: Affrontement et apprentissage des acteurs (Firm strategies and public policy in integrated Europe (1950--1980) : Confrontation and learning of economic actors) (pp. 233-253). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181579/) unapi

Chapter Laer, Arthe Van; Bussière, E. (2007)
Recherche et technologie ou la “sextuple tutelle” des États sur “la Commission, éternelle mineure”; (Research and Technology or “sextuple trust” under the States “the Commission, eternal minor”). In: La commission européenne 1958--1972: Histoire et mémoires d'une institution; (The European Commission 1958--1972: History and memories of an institution) (pp. 507-522). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181581/) unapi

Article Laer, Arthe Van (2006)
Liberalization or Europeanization? The EEC Commission's Policy on Public Procurement in Information Technology and Telecommunications (1957-1984). Nomos (pp. 107-130). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181577/) unapi

Book Merger, Michèle (2004)
COST 340: Towards a European intermodal transport network: lessons from history ; a critical bibliography. (/p/isis/citation/CBB001181448/) unapi

Chapter Dierikx, Marc (1995)
Le développement du réseaux européen de transport aérien, 1920--1970: Un modèle explicatif; (The development of networks of European air transport, 1920--1970: An explanatory model). In: Les réseaux européens transnationaux: XIXe - XXe siècles: quels enjeux? (Trans-European networks: XIX - XX centuries: What issues?) (pp. 133-158). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001180506/) unapi


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