45 citations
related to Studies in History of Biology
Guerrero, Ricardo; Margulis, Lynn; Fet, Victor
Darwin--Wallace Paradigm Shift: Ten Days That Failed to Shake the World.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 85).
Beregoy, N. E.
Review of "Darwin's Origin of Species: A Biography".
Studies in History of Biology.
Uliankina, Tatiana I.
To the Biography of the Rector of the Moscow University Prof. M. M. Novikov: 1917--1922.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 65).
Levina, Elena S.
The First Virologists and the Medical Virology in the USSR, 1930s.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 10).
Zachos, Frank E.; Hossfeld, Uwe
Adolf Remane (1898--1976) and His Views on Systematics, Homology and the Modern Synthesis.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 51).
Samokish, Anna V.
Charles Darwin and Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences. Documentary Record.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 95).
Georgijevsky, Aleksandr B.
Charles Darwin---A Founder of the Evolutionary Anthropology.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 137).
Levit, Inga; Hoßfeld, Uwe; Olsson, Lennart
Creationism in the Russian Educational Landscape.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 151).
Fokin, Sergei I.
Zoological Recollections of M. N. Rimskiy-Korsakov.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 108).
Shylov, S. Ju.; Jermolaev, A. I.
Review of "In Pursuit of the Gene: From Darwin to DNA".
Studies in History of Biology.
Beregoy, Natalia E.
Charles Darwin, Vivisection and the History of Victorian Science.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 49).
Belozerov, Oleg P.
From a Zoological Garden to a Zoo: The Moscow Zoological Garden in the First Post-October Decade.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 85).
Manoilenko, Ksenia V.
Pro Et Contra: An Attitude to the Celebration in Commemoration of Charles Darwin in 1909.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 104).
Borkin, Lev J.
P. A. Kostychev (1881--1890): Competition as a Factor of Plant Succession.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 66).
Kolchinsky, Eduard I.
Charles Darwin's Anniversaries in Socio-cultural and Cognitive Contexts.
Studies in History of Biology
(p. 15).
Jacyna, L. S.
Principles of general physiology: The comparative dimension to British neuroscience in the 1830s and 1840s.
Studies in History of Biology
(pp. 47-92).
Gillespie, Neal C.
Preparing for Darwin: Conchology and natural theology in Anglo-American natural history.
Studies in History of Biology
(pp. 93-145).
Eddy, J. H., Jr.
Buffon, organic alterations, and man.
Studies in History of Biology
(pp. 1-45).
Hodge, M. J. S.
Darwin and the laws of the animate part of the terrestrial system (1835-1837): On the Lyellian origins of his zoonomical explanatory program.
Studies in History of Biology
(pp. 1-106).
Haraway, Donna
Signs of dominance: From a physiology to a cybernetics of primate society: C. R. Carpenter, 1930-1970.
Studies in History of Biology
(pp. 129-219).
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