102 citations
related to Research in Philosophy and Technology
Journal Abbreviation Res. Phil. Tech.
Higgs, E.
Review of "Does technology drive history?".
Research in Philosophy and Technology.
Review of "Thinking through technology: The path between engineering and philosophy".
Research in Philosophy and Technology.
Beale, K.D.
Review of "Scientists and the development of nuclear weapons from fission to the limited test ban treaty, 1939-1963".
Research in Philosophy and Technology.
Rehg, W.
Review of "Making waves: Engineering, politics, and the social management of technology".
Research in Philosophy and Technology.
Article Symposium on Mitcham, Carl's Thinking through technology (1997). Research in Philosophy and Technology (pp. 155-182). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000078957/)
McClure, Mary Ann
A passion to connect: The science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Birute Galdikas.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 49-60).
symposium, Review
Review of "Hand's end: Technology and the limits of nature".
Research in Philosophy and Technology.
Article Symposium on Rothenberg, David's Hand's end (1995). Research in Philosophy and Technology (pp. 165-207). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000067069/)
Essay Review
Staudenmaier, John
Problematic stimulation: Historians and sociologists constructing technology studies.
Research in Philosophy and Technology.
Wennemann, Daryl
Mannheim and Ellul on the problem of freedom in a technological society: Planned society or technological civilization?.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 143-162).
Gray, Noël
Geometric constructions and the constructions of geometry.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 21-36).
Staudenmaier, J.
Review of "Shaping technology/building society: Studies in sociotechnical change".
Research in Philosophy and Technology.
Graefrath, Bernd
Taking “science fiction” seriously: A bibliographic introduction to Stanislaw Lem's philosophy of technology.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 271-285).
Gorokhov, Vitaly G.
Methodological research and problems in the technological sciences: A review of the literature in Russian.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 247-270).
Vincenzo, Joseph P.
Aristotle and Ellul: Political phronesis and the politics of technique.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 119-142).
Hanks, Joyce Main
Jacques Ellul: A comprehensive bibliography update, 1985-1993.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 287-413).
Jalbert, John E.
Money, technology, and the tragedy of culture in the thought of Georg Simmel.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 37-51).
Mitcham, C.
Review of "The merger of knowledge with power: Essays in critical science".
Research in Philosophy and Technology.
Groothuis, Douglas
Bacon and Pascal on mastery over nature.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 191-203).
Gray, Chris Hables
The culture of war cyborgs: Technoscience, gender, and postmodern war.
Research in Philosophy and Technology
(pp. 141-163).
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