25 citations
related to Journal of Cold War Studies
Journal Abbreviation J. Cold War Stud.
Whitfield, Stephen J.
Review of "Hollywood Exiles in Europe: The Blacklist and Cold War Film Culture".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Sheetz, Mark
Review of "Building a European Identity: France, the United States, and the Oil Shock, 1973--1974".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Gaffney, Henry H.
Euromissiles as the Ultimate Evolution of Theater Nuclear Forces in Europe.
Journal of Cold War Studies
(pp. 180-199).
Citino, Nathan J.
The Ghosts of Development: The United States and Jordan's East Ghor Canal.
Journal of Cold War Studies
(pp. 159-188).
Brady, Lisa M.
Review of "The Invention of Ecocide: Agent Orange, Vietnam, and the Scientists Who Changed the Way We Think about the Environment".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Whitfield, Stephen J.
Review of "Cold War Cultures: Perspectives on Eastern and Western Societies".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Eckert, Carter J.
Review of "Literature and Film in Cold War South Korea: Freedom's Frontier".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Calico, Joy H.
Review of "Sounds of War: Music in the United States during World War II".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Spark, Clare L.
Review of "The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Henrich-Franke, Christian
Cross-Curtain Radio Cooperation and New International Alignments during the Cold War.
Journal of Cold War Studies
(pp. 110-132).
Hisano, Ai
Review of "Cold War Kitchen: Americanization, Technology, and European Users".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Mueller, Tim B.
The Rockefeller Foundation, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities in the Cold War.
Journal of Cold War Studies
(pp. 108-135).
Reppy, Judith
Review of "Technology and the American Way of War since 1945".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Borhi, László
Review of "Judging Edward Teller".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
McMahon, Robert J.
Review of "After Hiroshima: The United States, Race, and Nuclear Weapons in Asia, 1945--1965".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Daniloff, Nicholas
Review of "The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacy".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Sherry, Michael
Review of "Cry Havoc: How The Arms Race Drove the World to War, 1931--1941".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Geltzer, Anna
In a Distorted Mirror: The Cold War and U.S.-Soviet Biomedical Cooperation and (Mis)understanding, 1956--1977.
Journal of Cold War Studies
(p. 39).
Smith, Marcia S.
Review of "Epic Rivalry: The Inside Story of the Soviet and American Space Race".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
Boyer, Paul
Review of "The Dragon's Tail: Americans Face the Atomic Age".
Journal of Cold War Studies.
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