25 citations
related to Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
Journal Abbreviation J. Early Mod. Cult. Stud.
Snook, Edith
Beautiful Hair, Health, and Privilege in Early Modern England.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 22-51).
Wood, Jennifer Linhart
An Organ's Metamorphosis: Thomas Dallam's Sonic Transformations in the Ottoman Empire.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 81-105).
Young, Sandra
The “Secrets of Nature” and Early Modern Constructions of a Global South.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 5-39).
Kelley, Shannon
The King's Coral Body: A Natural History of Coral and the Post-Tragic Ecology of The Tempest.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 115-142).
Maxwell, Lynn
Wax Magic and The Duchess of Malfi.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 31-54).
Magnone, Sophia
Bien Manger, Bien Mangé: Edible Reciprocity in Jean de Léry's Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre du Brésil.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 107-135).
Shrieves, Katherine
Spiritual Alchemy through Embodied Hieroglyphs in Jonson's Mercury Vindicated from the Alchemists at Court.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 55-82).
Nixon, Kari
Keep Bleeding: Hemorrhagic Sores, Trade, and the Necessity of Leaky Boundaries in Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 62-81).
Stegenga, Jacob
Review of "Curiosity: How Science Became Interested in Everything".
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies.
Odile-Bernez, Marie
Comfort, the Acceptable Face of Luxury: An Eighteenth-Century Cultural Etymology.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 3-21).
Eriksdotter, Gunhild
Did the Little Ice Age Affect Indoor Climate and Comfort?: Re-theorizing Climate History and Architecture from the Early Modern Period.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(p. 24).
Ellison, Katherine
Digital Scholarship as Handwork and Brainwork: An Early Modern History of Cryptography.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 29-46).
Essay Review
Costa, Erica da
The Mystery of Matter.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies.
Turner, Henry S.
Francis Bacon's Common Notion.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(p. 7).
Burrows, Simon
In Search of Enlightenment: From Mapping Books to Cultural History.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 3-28).
Roychoudhury, Suparna
Forswearing Fever: Medicine, Materialism, and Shakespeare's Sonnet 147.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(p. 4).
Mylander, Jennifer
Early Modern “How-To” Books: Impractical Manuals and the Construction of Englishness in the Atlantic World.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 123-146).
Acheson, Katherine
The Picture of Nature: Seventeenth-Century English Aesop's Fables.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 25-50).
Wood, Gillen D'Arcy
The Volcano Lover: Climate, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade in Raffles's History of Java (1817).
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 33-55).
Shanahan, John
Ben Jonson's Alchemist and Early Modern Laboratory Space.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 35-66).
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