399 citations
related to Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
1 citations
related to Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences as a subject or category
Brooke, John Hedley; Harman, Peter
Russell McCormmach as a Colleague.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 475).
Friedman, Robert Marc
Tolerance and Integrity at Johns Hopkins.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 463).
McEvoy, John G.
Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Historiography of Science.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 383).
Kragh, Helge S.
Cosmology and the Entropic Creation Argument.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 369).
Pyenson, Lewis
Editor's Foreword.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 189).
Brush, Stephen G.
How Ideas Became Knowledge: The Light-Quantum Hypothesis, 1905--1935.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 204).
Cassidy, David C.
Oppenheimer's First Paper: Molecular Band Spectra and a Professional Style.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 247).
Nye, Mary Jo
Historical Sources of Science-as-Social-Practice: Michael Polanyi's Berlin.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 409).
Weart, Spencer R.
Money for Keeling: Monitoring CO2 Levels.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 435).
Aaserud, Finn
Russell McCormmach as a Teacher.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 453).
Yi, Doogab
The Coming of Reversibility: The Discovery of DNA Repair between the Atomic Age and the Information Age.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(pp. 35-72).
Dongen, Jeroen van
The Interpretation of the Einstein-Rupp Experiments and Their Influence on the History of Quantum Mechanics.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(pp. 121-131).
Wellerstein, Alex
Review of "Three Mile Island: A Nuclear Crisis in Historical Perspective".
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences.
Kim, Dong-Won
Yoshio Nishina and Two Cyclotrons.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 243).
Camilleri, Kristian
Review of "Ernst Mach's Science: Its Character and Influence on Einstein and Others".
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences.
Masutti, Christophe
Frederic Clements, Climatology, and Conservation in the 1930s.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 27).
Heymann, Matthias
Modeling Reality: Practice, Knowledge, and Uncertainty in Atmospheric Transport Simulation.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 49).
Fleming, James Rodger
The Pathological History of Weather and Climate Modification: Three Cycles of Promise and Hype.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 3).
Dörries, Matthias
In the Public Eye: Volcanology and Climate Change Studies in the 20th Century.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 87).
Turchetti, Simone
The Invisible Businessman: Nuclear Physics, Patenting Practices, and Trading Activities in the 1930s.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
(p. 153).
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