ID: CBA000122604

Historia Mathematica

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Article Glen Van Brummelen (2024)
Decimal fractional numeration and the decimal point in 15th-century Italy. Historia Mathematica (pp. 1-13). (/p/isis/citation/CBB420510571/) unapi

Article G Sreeram; Aditya Kolachana (2024)
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Cyclic quadrilaterals: Solutions of two Japanese problems and their proofs. Historia Mathematica (pp. 1-13). (/p/isis/citation/CBB222899298/) unapi

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Article Dominique Raynaud (2023)
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Article Christine Proust (2022)
The sexagesimal place-value notation and abstract numbers in mathematical cuneiform texts. Historia Mathematica (pp. 54-70). (/p/isis/citation/CBB388966363/) unapi

Article Xiaofei Wang (2022)
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Article Christine Chambris; Jana Visnovska (2022)
On the history of units in French elementary school arithmetic: The case of proportionality. Historia Mathematica (pp. 99-118). (/p/isis/citation/CBB935801822/) unapi


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