32 citations
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Anne Fleming
City of Debtors: A Century of Fringe Finance.
Madsen, Chris
Technology Adoption and Adaptation in Canada's West Coast Shipyards, 1918--1950.
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Carter, Henderson
The Role of Government in the Development of the Electricity Service in Barbados, 1911--1980.
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Nishimura, Shigehiro
Patenting in the United Kingdom and Japan: Subsystems That Determined MNE's Patent Policy.
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Thomson, Ross
The Government and Innovation in the United States: Insights from Major Innovators.
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Tolliday, Steven
Crumbling Dream: Japan's Nuclear Quest, 1954--2011.
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Norwood, Dael
“A Great Thoroughfare for All Mankind”: Asian Trade and the Antebellum Business Case for Building a Transcontinental Railroad.
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Maines, Rachel
Engineering Standards as Collaborative Projects: Asbestos in the Table of Clearances.
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Shimamoto, Minoru
R&D Strategy and Knowledge Creation in Japanese Chemical Firms, 1980--2010.
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Redman, Lydia
Knowledge Is Power? Victorian and Edwardian Employers and the Rhetoric of Expertise.
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Lazonick, William; March, Edward
The Rise and Demise of Lucent Technologies.
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Shimizu, Hiroshi; Kudo, Satoshi
How Well Does Knowledge Travel? The Transition from Energy to Commercial Application of Laser Diode Fabrication Technology.
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Sturchio, Jeffrey L.; Galambos, Louis
The German Connection: Merck and the Flow of Knowledge from Germany to the United States, 1880--1930.
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Hay, Amy M.
Dow Chemical vs. “Coercive Utopians”: Constructing the Contested Ground of Science and Government Regulation in 1970s America.
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Nishimura, Shigehiro
International Patent Control and Transfer of Knowledge: The United States and Japan before World War II.
Business and Economic History On-Line
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Thomson, Ross
Did the Telegraph Lead Electrification? Industry and Science in American Innovation.
Business and Economic History On-Line
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Choi, Eugene K.
Reconsidering the Innovations in the Meiji Cotton Spinners' Growth Strategy for Global Competition.
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Phillips, William H.
The Democratization of Invention in the American South: Antebellum and Postbellum Technology Markets in the United States.
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Shimizu, Hiroshi
Pitfalls of Open Innovation: The Technological Trajectory in Laser Diodes in the United States and Japan.
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Thomson, Ross
Understanding Machine Tool Development in the United States: Uniting Economic and Business History.
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(p. 1).
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