ID: CBA000121315


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Article Vittori, Thomas De (2012)
History in Mathematics Teaching: Current Problems and New Proposals. Almagest (pp. 62-77). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001320801/) unapi

Article Kadioglu, Sevtap; Erginöz, Gaye Sahinbas (2011)
An Emigrant Scientist in Istanbul University: Richard Martin Edler von Mises (1883--1953). Almagest (pp. 102-123). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220642/) unapi

Article Terdimou, Maria (2011)
Mathematics, Greek Trade and Technology during the Period of the Ottoman Rule: Three Mutually Connected Sectors. Almagest (pp. 62-79). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220640/) unapi

Article Vergara, Moema de Rezende (2011)
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Article Roberts, Jon H. (2011)
Louis Agassiz on Scientific Method, Polygenism, and Transmutation: A Reassessment. Almagest (pp. 76-99). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220635/) unapi

Article Tampakis, Kostas (2011)
The Unrecognized Mechanism: History of Science Education in the 19th Century. Almagest (pp. 80-101). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220641/) unapi

Article Jullien, Vincent (2011)
Le Calcul Logique de Roberval. Almagest (pp. 28-61). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220639/) unapi

Article Kolchinsky, Eduard I. (2011)
History of Science in Russia in the 20th Century: St. Petersburg as a Case Study. Almagest (pp. 4-34). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220632/) unapi

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Ancient Geometry: Thinking about How to Measure the Circle. Almagest (pp. 4-5). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220637/) unapi

Review Nicolaidis, Efthymios (2011)
Review of "Sovereignty and Mathematics". Almagest. (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220646/) unapi

Review Sheynin, Oscar (2011)
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The Notion of Mathematics---An Historico-Epistemological Approach using Kaspar Schott's “Encyclopedia of all Mathematical Sciences”. Almagest (pp. 36-59). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220633/) unapi

Article Katsiampoura, Gianna (2011)
The Byzantine Sciences in the First Modern Greek History of Science Textbook: Michael Stephanides, Introduction to the History of Natural Sciences. Almagest (pp. 124-139). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220643/) unapi

Article Argyrakis, Vaios (2011)
The Clepsydra Experiment, Clepsydra's Functioning and the Related Devices in Heron's Pneumatics. Almagest (pp. 16-27). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220638/) unapi

Article Cornelis, Gustaaf C. (2011)
Against Chronological and Impersonal Accounts of the History of Science. Towards Non-linear Didactics. Almagest (pp. 60-75). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220634/) unapi

Article Katsiampoura, Gianna (2010)
Faith or Knowledge? Normative Relations between Religion and Science in Byzantine Textbooks. Almagest (pp. 112-122). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220614/) unapi

Article Pisano, Raffaele (2010)
On Principles in Sadi Carnot's Thermodynamics (1824). Epistemological Reflections. Almagest (pp. 128-179). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220620/) unapi

Article Huang, Huang; Qin, Ying (2010)
A New Perspective on Ancient Technique Communication of Cosmetics between the East and the West, Based on the Analysis of Chinese Cosmetics---“Hu” Powder. Almagest (pp. 106-115). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220618/) unapi

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The Demonstration of the Corporeity of Air in Heron's Pneumatics: A Methodological Breakthrough in Experimentation. Almagest (pp. 86-102). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220612/) unapi

Article Kadioglu, Sevtap (2010)
Semseddin Sami's Treatise of Astronomy Gök (Sky): An Effort towards the Formation of Turkish Scientific Language and Popularizing Science. Almagest (pp. 40-49). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220616/) unapi


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