ID: CBA000121315


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Article Tomislav Petković (2015)
R.J. Boscovich’s Achievement in Natural Philosophy in Relation to the Development of Modern Particle Physics. Almagest (pp. 80-103). (/p/isis/citation/CBB558686511/) unapi

Article Bernard Pourprix (2015)
La Mécanique physique au sens de Joseph Boussinesq. Almagest (pp. 126-155). (/p/isis/citation/CBB625191707/) unapi

Article Peter Lukan (2015)
Roger Boscovich and the Quantum Mechanical Combination of Dynamic and Statistical Laws. Almagest (pp. 64-78). (/p/isis/citation/CBB866089057/) unapi

Article Marko Uršič (2015)
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Article Charlotte Wahl (2014)
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Article Rita Meyer-Spasche (2014)
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Review Eudoxie Delli (2014)
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Article Maria Terdimou (2014)
The Unsolved Equation: Mathematics at the University of Athens During the 19th Century. Almagest (pp. 84-101). (/p/isis/citation/CBB378424845/) unapi

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Review Gianna Katsiampoura (2014)
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Article Dominique Meeùs (2014)
Friedrich Engels and the unveiling of the historical dimension of the physical world: science and dialectics. Almagest (pp. 4-13). (/p/isis/citation/CBB962870043/) unapi

Article Stany Mazurkiewicz (2014)
Which materialism? Against which idealism? Dialectical thinking of nature according to Hegel, Engels and Schelling. Almagest (pp. 14-21). (/p/isis/citation/CBB317607775/) unapi

Article Vangelis Koutalis (2014)
Making discoveries for a better life vs. bringing fruits to the national treasury: Davy, Babbage, Brewster and the (ongoing) struggle for the soul of science. Almagest (pp. 52-109). (/p/isis/citation/CBB203024543/) unapi

Article Noël Golvers (2014)
Ferdinand Verbiest’s 1668 observation of an unidentified celestial phenomenon in Peking, its lost Chinese description and some parallel observations, especially in Korea. Almagest (pp. 32-51). (/p/isis/citation/CBB976329659/) unapi

Review George N. Vlahakis (2013)
Review of "Stoicheia physikēs philosophias: ho hellēnikos epistēmonikos stochasmos ton 17o kai 18o aiōna". Almagest. (/p/isis/citation/CBB330096632/) unapi


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