ID: CBA000121315


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Article Eudoxie Delli; Efthymios Nicolaidis (2020)
Introduction. Almagest (pp. 12-16). (/p/isis/citation/CBB922266488/) unapi

Article Eudoxie Delli (2020)
Survie et transformations de la littérature hexaémérique. Entre littérature, théologie et philosophie : Le cas de Georges de Pisidie. Almagest (pp. 56-79). (/p/isis/citation/CBB362170677/) unapi

Article Alice Lamy (2020)
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Article Florence Meunier (2020)
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Article Veronika Altashina (2019)
Probability and Expectation in Pascal's Pensées. Almagest (pp. 24-36). (/p/isis/citation/CBB138376024/) unapi

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Article George N. Vlahakis (2019)
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Article Dimitris Kilakos (2019)
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Article Carlos Alvarez Jiménez; Vincent Jullien; Carmen Martínez-Adame (2019)
On the Analytic and Synthetic Demonstrations in Fermat’s Work on the Law of Refraction. Almagest (pp. 52-85). (/p/isis/citation/CBB185298088/) unapi

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The First Generations of Russian Chemists (1700-1830). Between Pharmacy, Technical Know-How and Academia. Almagest (pp. 8-51). (/p/isis/citation/CBB825742258/) unapi

Article Jana Černá (2019)
Beyond the “Irrational and Superstitious”: The New World, Spanish “Hunters of Nature’s Secrets”, and Transformations of Science in the Early Modern Era. Almagest (pp. 122-145). (/p/isis/citation/CBB342986705/) unapi

Article Vera I. Kharlamova (2019)
About Bibliographical Projects During the Formation of the Mathematical Community in Europe. Portuguese Mathematicians in International Bibliography at the Turn of the XIX-XX Centuries. Almagest (pp. 86-98). (/p/isis/citation/CBB867747907/) unapi

Article Dimitris Kilakos (2018)
Religion and Ideological Confrontations in Early Soviet Mathematics: The Case of P.a. Nekrasov. Almagest (pp. 12-39). (/p/isis/citation/CBB270659465/) unapi


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