45 citations
related to Transmission of material objects
45 citations
related to Transmission of material objects as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Laveaga, Gabriela Soto
Largo Dislocare: Connecting Microhistories to Remap and Recenter Histories of Science.
History and Technology
(pp. 21-30).
Pablo F. Gómez
Caribbean Stones and the Creation of Early-Modern Worlds.
History and Technology
(pp. 11-20).
Dirk Imhof
The Trade in Individual Maps from Ortelius’s Theatrum orbis terrarum after 1612.
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
(pp. 52-64).
Celeste Gianni; George Saliba; Michele Tagliabracci
Contextualising the Arabic Nomenclature of Coronelli’s Celestial Globe at the Biblioteca Federiciana in Fano.
Suhayl: Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation
(pp. 323-343).
Gorkom, John van; Delft, Dirk van; Helvoort, Ton van
Chapter Two - The Early Electron Microscopes: Incubation.
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics
(pp. 43-128).
Megan Barford
D.176: Sextants, Numbers, and the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty.
History of Science
(pp. 431-456).
Bettina Dietz
Das System der Natur: Die Kollaborative Wissenskultur der Botanik im 18. Jahrhundert.
Giorgio Strano
A New Approach to the Star Data of Early Planispheric Astrolabes.
Medieval Encounters
(pp. 444-467).
Kremer, Richard L.
Incunable Almanacs and Practica as Practical Knowledge Produced in Trading Zones.
In: The Structures of Practical Knowledge
(pp. 333-369).
Petra G. Schmidl
Knowledge in Motion: An Early European Astrolabe and Its Possible Medieval Itinerary.
Medieval Encounters
(pp. 149-197).
Bruce T. Moran
Preserving the Cutting Edge: Traveling Woodblocks, Material Networks, and Visualizing Plants in Early Modern Europe.
In: The Structures of Practical Knowledge
(pp. 393-419).
Zhijun Zhao
Archaeobotanical Data for Research on the Introduction of Wheat into China.
Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology
(pp. 59-79).
Stefanie Klamm
Reverse—Cardboard—Print: The Materiality of the Photographic Archive and Its Function.
In: Documenting the World: Film, Photography, and the Scientific Record.
Edward Dallam Melillo
Strangers on Familiar Soil: Rediscovering the Chile-California Connection.
Paul Nelles
Cosas y cartas: Scribal Production and Material Pathways in Jesuit Global Communication (1547–1573).
Journal of Jesuit Studies
(pp. 421-450).
Bettina Schöller
Wissen speichern, Wissen ordnen, Wissen übertragen. Schriftliche und bildliche Aufzeichnungen der Welt im Umfeld der Londoner Psalterkarte.
Marta Caroscio
Raw Materials, Transmission of Know-how and Ceramic Techniques in Early Modern Italy: A Mediterranean Perspective.
In: History of Technology: Italian Technology from the Renaissance to the 20th Century
(pp. 107-130).
Emese Balint
Anabaptist Migration and the Diffusion of the Maiolica from Faenza to Central Europe.
In: History of Technology: Italian Technology from the Renaissance to the 20th Century
(pp. 131-151).
Andrea Giuntini
Technology Transfer, Economic Strategies and Politics in the Building of the First Italian Submarine Telegraph.
In: History of Technology: Italian Technology from the Renaissance to the 20th Century
(pp. 277-293).
Jennifer Spinks
The Southern Indian “Devil in Calicut” in Early Modern Northern Europe: Images, Texts and Objects in Motion.
Journal of Early Modern History
(pp. 15-48).
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