19 citations
related to Republic of China (1912-1949)
19 citations
related to Republic of China (1912-1949) as a subject or category
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Country Code CN
Nicolas Schillinger
Microbic Mass Destruction - Biological Warfare and Epidemic Prevention in Republican China.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 148-169).
Mary Augusta Brazelton
Aviation infrastructures in the Republic of China, 1920–37.
History of Science
(pp. 102-120).
Di Lu
Local Food and Transnational Science: New Boundary Issues of the Caterpillar Fungus in Republican China.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 249-267).
Joshua A. Hubbard
Invulnerable Facts: Infant Mortality and Development in Nationalist Gansu.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 623-645).
Jia-Chen Fu
Houses of Experiment: Making Space for Science in Republican China.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 269-290).
Yaron Seidman DAOM; Sean Xiang Lin Lei; Lois Nethery; et al.
Chinese Medicine Liberation: Inner Documents.
Michael Shiyung Liu
Epidemic Control and Wars in Republican China (1935-1955).
In: Penser les épidémies depuis la Chine, le Japon et la Corée
(pp. 111-139).
Fan, Fa-ti
The Controversy over Spontaneous Generation in Republican China: Science, Authority, and the Public.
In: Science and Technology in Modern China, 1880s--1940s
(p. 209).
Shen, Grace
Periodical Space: Language and the Creation of Scientific Community in Republican China.
In: Science and Technology in Modern China, 1880s--1940s
(p. 269).
Elman, Benjamin A.
Toward a History of Modern Science in Republican China.
In: Science and Technology in Modern China, 1880s--1940s
(p. 15).
Stéphanie Homola
La relation de maître à disciple en question : transmission orale et écrite des savoirs divinatoires en Chine et à Taïwan.
In: Les astres et le destin. Astrologie et divination en Asie orientale
(pp. 11-43).
Hu, Shen; Li, Zhiping
Heihe Animal Quarantine Bureau: The First Entry-Exit Animal Quarantine Organization Established by the Government of the Republic of China.
Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
(p. 40).
Tina Johnson
Childbirth in Republican China: Delivering Modernity.
Andrea Janku
The Uses of Genres in the Chinese Press from the Late Qing to the Early Republican Period.
In: From Woodblocks to the Internet: Chinese Publishing and Print Culture in Transition, Circa 1800 to 2008
(pp. 111-157).
Christopher A. Reed
Advancing the (Gutenberg) Revolution: The Origins and Development of Chinese Print Communism, 1921–1947.
In: From Woodblocks to the Internet: Chinese Publishing and Print Culture in Transition, Circa 1800 to 2008
(pp. 275-311).
Jan Kiely
Spreading the Dharma with the Mechanized Press: New Buddhist Print Cultures in the Modern Chinese Print Revolution, 1866–1949.
In: From Woodblocks to the Internet: Chinese Publishing and Print Culture in Transition, Circa 1800 to 2008
(pp. 185-210).
Ling Shiao
Culture, Commerce, and Connections: The Inner Dynamics of New Culture Publishing in the Post-May Fourth Period.
In: From Woodblocks to the Internet: Chinese Publishing and Print Culture in Transition, Circa 1800 to 2008
(pp. 211-247).
Robert Culp
Reading and Writing Zhejiang Youth: Local Textual Economies and Cultural Production in Republican Jiangnan.
In: From Woodblocks to the Internet: Chinese Publishing and Print Culture in Transition, Circa 1800 to 2008
(pp. 249-274).
Benzenhöfer, Udo
Joachim Tancke (1557-1609): Leben und Werk eines Leipziger Paracelsisten.
Salzburger Beiträge zur Paracelsusforschung
(pp. 9-81).
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