36 citations
related to Fertility
36 citations
related to Fertility as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Evans, Jennifer
Female Barrenness, Bodily Access and Aromatic Treatments in Seventeenth-Century England.
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
(p. 423).
Toulalan, Sarah
“To[o] much eating stifles the child”: Fat Bodies and Reproduction in Early Modern England.
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
(p. 65).
Koblitz, Ann Hibner
Sex and Herbs and Birth Control: Women And Fertility Regulation through the Ages.
Elliot, Rosemary
Miscarriage, Abortion or Criminal Feticide: Understandings of Early Pregnancy Loss in Britain, 1900--1950.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 248-256).
Dyck, Erika
Sterilization and Birth Control in the Shadow of Eugenics: Married, Middle-Class Women in Alberta, 1930--1960s.
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
(pp. 165-187).
Evans, Jennifer
Aphrodisiacs, Fertility, and Medicine in Early Modern England.
Klaus Hoeyer
Exchanging Human Bodily Material: Rethinking Bodies and Markets.
Flemming, Rebecca
The Invention of Infertility in the Classical Greek World: Medicine, Divinity, and Gender.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 565-590).
DiMoia, John
Blastocysts and Family Planning: IVF and Tracking a Developmental Context for Biomedical Research in Singapore (1966--1994).
Science Technology and Society
(p. 275).
Wanamaker, Marianne H.
Industrialization and Fertility in the Nineteenth Century: Evidence from South Carolina.
Journal of Economic History
(p. 168).
Schrempf, Mona
Re-production at Stake: Experiences of Family Planning and Fertility among Amdo Tibetan Women.
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
(pp. 321-347).
Timm, Annette
The Politics of Fertility in Twentieth-Century Berlin.
Winiwarter, Verena
The Art of Making the Earth Fruitful: Medieval and Early Modern Improvements of Soil Fertility.
In: Ecologies and Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Studies in Environmental History for Richard C. Hoffmann
(p. 93).
Evans, J C; Evans, C. J.
(cited 2010)
Procreation, Pleasure and Provokers of Lust in Early Modern England, 1550--1780.
Vaughan Wood
Appraising Soil Fertility in Early Colonial New Zealand: The 'Biometric Fallacy' and Beyond.
Environment and History
(pp. 393-405).
Liebenau, Jonathan
Medical science and medical industry: The formation of the American pharmaceutical industry.
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