80 citations
related to Floods
80 citations
related to Floods as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Elisabetta Novello; James C. McCann
(July 2017)
The Building of the Terra Firma: The Political Ecology of Land Reclamation in the Veneto from the Sixteenth through the Twenty-first Century.
Environmental History
(pp. 460-485).
Catherine Devitt; Eoin O’Neill
The Framing of Two Major Flood Episodes in the Irish Print News Media: Implications for Societal Adaptation to Living with Flood Risk.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 872-888).
John Williams; Andrew Sansom
The Untold Story of the Lower Colorado River Authority.
Grace Karskens
Floods and Flood-mindedness in Early Colonial Australia.
Environmental History
(pp. 315-342).
Francesco Luzzini
L’Itale Terre a vagheggiare inteso. La regolazione dell’Adige nel XVIII secolo: tra storia e scienza.
In: Il fiume, le terre, l’immaginario. L’Adige come fenomeno storiografico complesso
(pp. 287-312).
Kathryn Edgerton-Tarpley
Between War and Water: Farmer, City, and State in China's Yellow River Flood of 1938–1947.
Agricultural History
(pp. 94-116).
Thomas Horst
Handgezeichnete Karten von der Umgebung der Hansestadt Hamburg und der Elbe aus dem 16. Jahrhundert.
Stader Jahrbuch
(pp. 45-77).
Janna Dieckmann
The 1913 Flood in Ohio, USA.
In: Nurses and Disasters: Global, Historical Case Studies.
Zhang Jian; Man, Zhimin
Water Level Measurement and Flood Precautions along the Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty.
Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences)
(pp. 316-329).
Sundberg, Adam
Claiming the Past: History, Memory, and Innovation Following the Christmas Flood of 1717.
Environmental History
(pp. 238-261).
Barnett, Lydia
The Theology of Climate Change: Sin as Agency in the Enlightenment's Anthropocene.
Environmental History
(pp. 217-237).
Norris Hundley, Jr.; Donald C. Jackson
Heavy Ground: William Mulholland and the St. Francis Dam Disaster.
Strickland, Lloyd; Church, Michael
Leibniz's Observations on Hydrology: An Unpublished Letter on the Great Lombardy Flood of 1705.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 517-532).
Micah S. Muscolino
The Ecology of War in China: Henan Province, the Yellow River, and Beyond, 1938-1950.
Escobar, Maria Paula; Demeritt, David
Flooding and the Framing of Risk in British Broadsheets, 1985--2010.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 454-471).
Shrum, Wesley
What Caused the Flood? Controversy and Closure in the Hurricane Katrina Disaster.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 3-33).
Ewen, Shane
Sheffield's Great Flood of 1864: Engineering Failure and the Municipalisation of Water.
Environment and History
(pp. 177-207).
Mosley, Stephen
Coastal Cities and Environmental Change.
Environment and History
(pp. 517-533).
Paolo Sorcinelli; Mihran Tchaprassian
L'alluvione. L'Italia e il Polesine nel 1951.
Richard M., Jr. Mizelle
Backwater Blues: The Mississippi Flood of 1927 in the African American Imagination.
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