36 citations
related to Green revolution
36 citations
related to Green revolution as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
William San Martin
Nitrogen Revolutions: Agricultural Expertise, Technology, and Policy in Cold War Chile.
Sara Peres
Saving the gene pool for the future: Seed banks as archives.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 96-104).
Sigrid Schmalzer
Red Revolution, Green Revolution: Scientific Farming in Socialist China.
Lin, James
Sowing Seeds and Knowledge: Agricultural Development in Taiwan and the World, 1925--1975.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 127-149).
Baranski, Marci R.
Wide Adaptation of Green Revolution Wheat: International Roots and the Indian Context of a New Plant Breeding Ideal, 1960--1970.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 41-50).
Marci Baranski
The Wide Adaptation of Green Revolution Wheat.
Saha, Madhumita
The State, Scientists, and Staple Crops: Agricultural “Modernization” in Pre-Green Revolution India.
Agricultural History
(pp. 201-223).
Zelko, Frank S.
Make It a Green Peace! The Rise of Countercultural Environmentalism.
Melillo, Edward D.
The First Green Revolution: Debt Peonage and the Making of the Nitrogen Fertilizer Trade, 1840--1930.
American Historical Review
(pp. 1028-1060).
Kortright, Christopher Michael
C4 Rice and Hoping the Sun Can End Hunger: Tales of Plants, Evolution, Transgenics and Crisis.
Baroni, Mike
(Fall 2011)
Innovation and Urgency: Toward a New Green Revolution.
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
(pp. 3-5).
Santos, Gonçalo
Rethinking the Green Revolution in South China: Technological Materialities and Human-Environment Relations.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(p. 479).
Lo, Kuei-Mei; Chen, Hsin-Hsing
Technological Momentum and the Hegemony of the Green Revolution: A Case Study of an Organic Rice Cooperative in Taiwan.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(p. 135).
Kingsbury, Noel
Hybrid: The History and Science of Plant Breeding.
Carey, David, Jr.
Guatemala's Green Revolution: Synthetic Fertilizer, Public Health, and Economic Autonomy in the Mayan Highland.
Agricultural History
(p. 283).
Harwood, Jonathan
Peasant Friendly Plant Breeding and the Early Years of the Green Revolution in Mexico.
Agricultural History
(p. 384).
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