ID: CBA000118556

Lyon (France)

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Book Olivier Faure; Alain Corbin (2020)
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Chapter Jamie Cumby (2019)
Neither Scholar nor Printer: Luxembourg de Gabiano and the Financial Structure of Merchant Publishing in Sixteenth-Century Lyon. In: Buying and selling : The business of books in early modern Europe (pp. 188-207). (/p/isis/citation/CBB825289132/) unapi

Article Serge Boarini (2018)
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Article Emmanuel Pécontal (2015)
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Article Pécontal, Emmanuel (2011)
Polar Motion Measurement at the Observatoire de Lyon in the Late Nineteenth Century. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (p. 94). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001024144/) unapi

Chapter Reynard, Pierre Claude (2010)
Reaching for a “Natural Authority”: The Rhone in Eighteenth-Century Lyon. In: Ecologies and Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Studies in Environmental History for Richard C. Hoffmann (p. 165). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001420427/) unapi

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Raphaël Dubois, de la pharmacie à la bioluminescence. Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (p. 51). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000933430/) unapi

Article Chevallier, Jacques (2008)
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Article Mazevet, Michel; Stagnara, Denise; Fischer, Louis-Paul (2007)
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Article Fischer, Louis-Paul; Jubeau, Thierry (2006)
Le Médecin Général Henry Gabrielle (Septembre 1887--Avril 1968). Histoire des Sciences Médicales (p. 371). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000931821/) unapi

Article Bouchet, Alain (2006)
Les leçons d'anatomie sur les animaux. Histoire des Sciences Médicales (p. 331). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000931816/) unapi

Article Paul-Fischer, Louis (2006)
Trois momies coptes d'Antinoé à Lyon. Histoire des Sciences Médicales (p. 49). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000931795/) unapi


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