61 citations
related to Steel and steel industry
61 citations
related to Steel and steel industry as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Johnson, Carol Siri
The Language of Work: Technical Communication at Lukens Steel, 1810 to 1925.
Aylen, Jonathan
Construction of the Shotton Wide Strip Mill.
Transactions - Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology
(p. 57).
Krebs, Stefan
Geburtswehen eines technikwissenschaftlichen feldes: Das verhältnis von eisenhüttenkunde und stahlindustrie (1907--1909).
In: Wissenschaftsgeschichte im Rheinland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Raumkonzepten
(p. 171).
John H. Kopmeier
From Mayville to Milwaukee: The Visual Culture of the Iron and Steel Industry in Southeastern Wisconsin.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 59-72).
Jajesniak-Quast, Dagmara
In the Shadow of the Factory: Steel Towns in Postwar Eastern Europe.
In: Urban Machinery: Inside Modern European Cities
(p. 187).
Alanen, Arnold R.
Morgan Park: Duluth, U.S. Steel, and the Forging of a Company Town.
Betsy Fahlman
Current Research on the Art of Industry Artists at Work: Imaging Place, Work, and Process.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 41-62).
Misa, Thomas J.
Henry Bessemer.
In: History of world trade since 1450.
Baron, Robert C.
Pioneers and plodders:The American entrepreneurial spirit.
Thomas E. Leary; Elizabeth C. Sholes
Fragments Shored Against the Ruins: Industrial Archeology and Heritage Preservation.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 95-102).
Misa, Thomas J.
Procurement: Steel and armor plate industry.
In: The Oxford companion to American military history.
Pruitt, Bettye Hobbs; Yost, Jeffrey R.
Timken: From Missouri to Mars: A century of leadership in manufacturing.
Seely, Bruce Edsall; Becker, William H.
Encyclopedia of American business history and biography: Iron and steel industry in the twentieth century.
Misa, Thomas J.
Steel metallurgy in the twentieth century.
In: Encyclopedia of American business history and biography: Iron and steel industry in the twentieth century
(p. 396).
William Sisson
A Revolution in Steel: Mass Production in Pennsylvania, 1867-1901.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 79-93).
Thomas E. Leary
The Work of Rolling Rails in the 32'' Mill at Bethlehem Steel's Lackawanna Plant: Industrial Archeology and Labor History.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 39-54).
Reynolds, Terry S.
A narrow window of opportunity: The rise and fall of the fixed steel dam.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 1-20).
Vogt, Hans
Malcus-fästet - en uppfinning som låg rätt i tiden (The Malcus Mount - an invention that was right in time).
Polhem: Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria
(pp. 19-25).
Spade, Bengt
De första elektriska stålugnarna - del I (The First Electric Steel Furnaces - Part I).
Polhem: Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria
(pp. 31-38).
Spade, Bengt
De första elektriska stålugnarna - del II (The First Electric Steel Furnaces - Part II).
Polhem: Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria
(pp. 14-25).
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