61 citations
related to Steel and steel industry
61 citations
related to Steel and steel industry as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Paolo Raspadori
Gli uomini dell'acciaio. Lavoro e relazioni industriali alla Terni, 1900-1914.
Jan-Otmar Hesse
Vom Röhren-Manager zum Verteidigungs-Staatssekretär und zurück: Der mehrfache Seitenwechsel von Ernst Wolf Mommsen (Revolving Doors: Ernst Wolf Mommsen’s journey from a Tube Manager to Under-Secretary of State for Defence and back).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 227-254).
Måns Jansson; Göran Rydén
Improving Swedish Steelmaking: Circulation and Localized Knowledge-Making in Early Modernity.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 515-542).
Aleksandra Kobiljski
(April 2022)
Energy Workarounds: Designing Coals for the Japanese Steel Industry, 1895–1911.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 326-348).
Satoru Kobori
(April 2022)
When Energy Efficiency Begets Air Pollution: Fuel Conservation in Japan's Steel Industry, 1945–60.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 401-426).
Jørgen Burchhardt
Recycling scrap for steelmaking: the case of the Danish Steel Rolling Mill.
(pp. 82-91).
Horst A. Wessel
Der berufliche Werdegang der Mannesmann-Vorstandsvorsitzenden und ihre Arbeit im Team [The professional career of the Mannesmann CEOs and their teamwork].
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 73-100).
K. Nagesh Rao; P. T. Craddock; T. R. Anantharamu
The production of crucible steel by the ‘Mysore process’ at Ghattihosahalli, Chitradurga District, Karnataka.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(pp. 182-194).
Dietmar Bleidick
Standortfaktoren der Eisen- und Stahlindustrie im Ruhrgebiet während der „Industriellen Revolution“ Der Hoerder Verein im Vergleich [Location-determining factors of the iron and steel industry in the Ruhr district during the Industrial Revolution The Hoerder Bergwerks- und Hütten-Verein in comparison].
Der Anschnitt. Zeitschrift für Montangeschichte
(pp. 197-213).
Jonathan P. Parry
Classes of labour: work and life in a central Indian steel town.
Marco Venanzi
Carbone, lignite e acciaio. La battaglia per l'energia. L'acciaieria di Terni e le miniere di lignite umbre dal 1860 al 1960.
Rupert Pichler
Innovationen in grossen Unternehmen: Hubert Hauttmann - eine österreichische Karriere in der Industrieforschung (Innovations in large companies: Hubert Hauttmann - an Austrian career in industrial research).
(pp. 76-85).
Jonathan Aylen
Stalinism, autarchy, espionage and Marshall Aid: How US strip mill technology came to Europe.
International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology
(pp. 92-121).
Andrei Vasilescu; Magda Stavinschi
1877- Henri Poincaré: le voyage d'étude et la fabrication de l'acier dans le Banat.
(pp. 100-117).
Samuel Milner
(Summer 2018)
Review of unknown publication.
Business History Review.
Peter G. Smithurst
Thomas Firth and Sons – Steelmakers to the Arms Industries. Part 2: Heavy Armaments.
Arms and Armour Society Journal
(pp. 149-162).
Peter G. Smithurst
Thomas Firth and Sons – Steelmakers to the Arms Industries. Part 2: Heavy Armaments.
Arms and Armour Society Journal
(pp. 149-162).
David R. P. Guay
(Spring-Summer 2018)
Ford's Railroad at the Rouge.
Railroad History
(pp. 30-67).
Maria Elvira Callapez; Sara Marques da Cruz; Marta Martins Neto
Plastics Hand in Hand with Consumers – A Route in Portugal.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 108-126).
Clayton J. Ruminski
Iron Valley: The Transformation of the Iron Industry in Ohio’s Mahoning Valley, 1802–1913.
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