69 citations
related to Propaganda
69 citations
related to Propaganda as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Gong, Yuzhi
Personal Recollections of the Division of Science under the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.
Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
(p. 201).
Casser, Anja
Künstlerische und technische Propaganda in der Weimarer Republik: Das Atelier der Brüder Botho und Hans von Römer.
In: Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit als Ressourcen für einander. Studien zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
(p. 113).
Prieto, Andres Ignacio
Jesuit Naturalists: Nature, Evangelization, and Propaganda in South America, 1588--1676.
Caron-Leulliez, Marianne
L'Accouchement Sans Douleur. Un enjeu politique en France pendant la guerre froide.
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
(p. 69).
Husband, William B.
“Correcting Nature's Mistakes”: Transforming the Environment and Soviet Children's Literature, 1928--1941.
Environmental History
(p. 300).
Marco Di Giovanni
Scienza e potenza: miti della guerra moderna, istituzioni scientifiche e politica di massa nell'Italia fascista (1935-1945).
Matsumura, Janice
State Propaganda and Mental Disorders: The Issue of Psychiatric Casualties among Japanese Soldiers during the Asia-Pacific War.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(p. 804).
Zhang, Jian
From Scientific Propaganda to Scientific Research: A Change in the Strategy of Saving the Nation by the Science Society of China.
Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences)
(p. 304).
Gitlin, Todd
Media sociology: The dominant paradigm.
Theory and Society
(pp. 205-53).
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