38 citations
related to Civil defense
38 citations
related to Civil defense as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Jochen Molitor
The Imagined Disastrous: West German Civil Defence Between War Preparation and Emergency Management 1950–1990.
In: Cold War Civil Defence in Western Europe: Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Survival and Preparedness.
Jayson A. Altieri
Minutemen and Roentgens: A History of Civil Air Patrol’s Aerial Radiological Monitoring Program.
Air Power History
(pp. 43-51).
Margarida Tavares da Conceição
Fortificação moderna, engenheiros militares e defesa do território: redes de actuação intercontinental.
In: Ciência, Tecnologia E Medicina Na Construção de Portugal. 1: Novos Horizontes (Sécs. XV a XVII)
(pp. 417-448).
Berger Ziauddin; Marti, Sibylle
Life after the Bomb: Nuclear Fear, Science, and Security Politics in Switzerland in the 1980s.
Cold War History
(pp. 95-113).
Jordan Malfoy
Britain Can Take It: Chemical Warfare and the Origins of Civil Defense in Great Britain, 1915 - 1945.
Ziauddin, Silvia Berger
(October 2017)
Superpower Underground: Switzerland's Rise to Global Bunker Expertise in the Atomic Age.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 921-954).
Frank L. Smith
American Biodefense: How Dangerous Ideas About Biological Weapons Shape National Security.
Turner, Jonathan
Politics and Defence Research in the Cold War.
Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 39).
Sambaluk, Nicholas Michael
“What's a Heaven For?” National Public Culture's Role in Shaping US Space Policy, Aerospace Doctrine, and the Future of the Dyna-Soar, 1957--61.
Monteyne, David
Fallout Shelter: Designing for Civil Defense in the Cold War.
Smith, Melissa
Architects of Armageddon: The Home Office Scientific Advisers' Branch and Civil Defence in Britain, 1945--68.
British Journal for the History of Science
(p. 149).
Grant, Matthew
After the Bomb: Civil Defence and Nuclear War in Britain, 1945--68.
Case, Judd Ammon
Geometry of Empire: Radar as Logistical Medium.
Brooks, Nathan M.
The Road to “Big Chemistry” in the Soviet Union during the 1920s.
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
(p. 264).
Krugler, David F.
This Is Only a Test: How Washington, D.C, Prepared for Nuclear War.
Moreno, Jonathan D.
Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense.
Gart, Jason Howard
Electronics and Aerospace Industry in Cold War Arizona, 1945--1968: Motorola, Hughes Aircraft, Goodyear Aircraft.
Ghamari-Tabrizi, Sharon
Simulating the Unthinkable: Gaming Future War in the 1950s and 1960s.
Social Studies of Science
(p. 163).
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