69 citations
related to Cotton and cotton industry
69 citations
related to Cotton and cotton industry as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Ranade, Rekha
Cultivation of Naturally Coloured Cotton in India in the 19th Century.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(p. 243).
Alvarado, Jesus
We Welcomed Foreign Fabrics and We Were Left Naked: Cotton Textile Artisansand the First Debates on Free Trade versus National Industry in Mexico, 1821--1846.
Hornborg, Alf
Fotavtryck i bomullsfälten: Den industriella revolutionen som miljöbelastningsförskjutning.
Polhem: Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria
(p. 11).
Bowden, Sue; Tweedale, Geoffrey
Mondays without Dread: The Trade Union Response to Byssinosis in the Lancashire Cotton Industry in the Twentieth Century.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 79).
Owens, Harry P.
Steamboats and the Cotton Economy: River Trade in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta.
Levenstein, Charles; DeLaurier, Gregory F.; Dunn, Mary Lee
The Cotton Dust Papers: Science, Politics, and Power in the “Discovery” of Byssinosis in the U.S..
Ronald Bailey
The Other Side of Slavery: Black Labor, Cotton, and Textile Industrialization in Great Britain and the United States.
Agricultural History
(pp. 35-50).
John Mayer
The Mills and Machinery of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company of Manchester, New Hampshire (Photo Essay).
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 69-79).
Laurence F. Gross
Building on Success: Lowell Mill Construction and Its Results.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 23-34).
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