81 citations
related to Privacy
81 citations
related to Privacy as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Jean-François Fava-Verde
(July 2020)
Managing Privacy: Cryptography or Private Networks of Communication in the Nineteenth Century.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 798-814).
Kristina Milanovic
(March 2020)
Smart Home Security: How Safe is Your Data?.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 26-29).
Darren Ellis
Techno-Securitisation of Everyday Life and Cultures of Surveillance-Apatheia.
Science as Culture
(pp. 11-29).
Alexander Trauth-Goik
(December 2019)
"Constructing a Culture of Honesty and Integrity": The Evolution of China's Han-centric Surveillance System.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 75-81).
Charles Dupras; Katie Michelle Saulnier; Yann Joly
(October 2019)
Epigenetics, ethics, law and society: A multidisciplinary review of descriptive, instrumental, dialectical and reflexive analyses.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 785-810).
Gregory Rodriguez
(September 2019)
Autonomous Vehicles and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Data Collection and Liability.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 14-16).
Siddique Latif; Adnan Qayyum; Muhammad Usama; et al.
(September 2019)
Caveat Emptor: The Risks of Using Big Data for Human Development.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 82-90).
Colin Koopman
How We Became Our Data: A Genealogy of the Informational Person.
Jeremy Pitt; Agnieszka Rychwalska; Magdalena Roszczynska-Kurasinska; et al.
(March 2019)
Democratizing Platforms for Social Coordination.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 43-50).
C. Andoh; A. Godderis
The Virtual Wall of the Fourth Amendment.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 47-50).
Aynne Kokas
Platform Patrol: China, the United States, and the Global Battle for Data Security.
Journal of Asian Studies
(pp. 923-933).
Dan Bouk
The National Data Center and the Rise of the Data Double.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 627-636).
Ben Falchuk; Shoshana Loeb; Ralph Neff
(June 2018)
The Social Metaverse: Battle for Privacy.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 52-61).
Vijay Sivaraman; Hassan Habibi Gharakheili; Clinton Fernandes; et al.
(June 2018)
Smart IoT Devices in the Home: Security and Privacy Implications.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 71-79).
Ons Al-Shamaileh
(June 2018)
I Have Issues with Facebook: But I Will Keep Using It.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 40-45).
Sarah E. Igo
The Known Citizen: A History of Privacy in Modern America.
Anna Zamansky; Dirk van der Linden
Activity Trackers for Raising Guide Dogs: Challenges and Opportunities.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 62-69).
Simon Willmetts
Digital Dystopia: Surveillance, Autonomy, and Social Justice in Gary Shteyngart's Super Sad True Love Story.
American Quarterly
(pp. 267-289).
Thomas Jepsen
(January 2018)
“A New Business in the World”: The Telegraph, Privacy, and the U.S. Constitution in the Nineteenth Century.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 95-125).
Ilke Turkmendag
(January 2018)
It Is Just a “Battery”: “Right” to Know in Mitochondrial Replacement.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 56-85).
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