67 citations
related to Secrecy
67 citations
related to Secrecy as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Balmer, Brian
How Does an Accident Become an Experiment? Secret Science and the Exposure of the Public to Biological Warfare Agents.
Science as Culture
(p. 197).
Mertens, Joost
The History of Artificial Ultramarine (1787-1844): Science, Industry, and Secrecy.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(p. 219).
Badash, Lawrence
From Security Blanket to Security Risk: Scientists in the Decade after Hiroshima.
History and Technology
(p. 241).
Turchetti, Simone
Atomic Secrets and Governmental Lies: Nuclear Science, Politics and Security in the Pontecorvo Case.
British Journal for the History of Science
(p. 389).
Masco, Joseph
Lie detectors: On secrets and hypersecurity in Los Alamos.
Public Culture
(pp. 441-467).
Ogden, R. J.
Meteorological Services Leading to D-Day.
Public Interest Report
(p. 1).
Seidel, Robert
Secret scientific communities: Classification and scientific communication in the DOE and DOD.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 Conference on the History and Heritage of Science Information Systems
(pp. 46-60).
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