73 citations
related to Edinburgh (Scotland)
73 citations
related to Edinburgh (Scotland) as a subject or category
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Michael J. Barany
A Kaleidoscopic Introduction to the History of Science.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 86-88).
Daisy Cunynghame
Discussing Patients in Private and in Print: The Records of an Eighteenth-Century Dispensary.
Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
(pp. 75-91).
P. G. Moore
Alexander Charles Stephen (1893–1966): Contributions on Scottish benthic ecology, systematics and biological recording.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 41-61).
Wendy McGlashan
John Kay’s The craft in danger (1817): Graphic satire and natural history in nineteenth-century Edinburgh.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 175-188).
Joanna Park; Louise Neilson; Andreas K. Demetriades
Hysteria, head injuries and heredity: ‘Shell-shocked’ soldiers of the Royal Edinburgh Asylum, Edinburgh (1914–24).
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 443-470).
Bill Jenkins
The ‘Stronsay Beast’: Testimony, evidence and authority in early nineteenth-century natural history.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 471-494).
M. A. Taylor; R. O’Connor; L. K. Overstreet
Dating the Publication of Hugh Miller’s The Testimony of the Rocks (1857).
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 310-324).
M. A. Taylor
The unusual printing and publishing arrangements of Hugh Miller (1802–1856).
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 298-309).
Pietro Corsi
Edinburgh Lamarckians? The Authorship of Three Anonymous Papers (1826–1829).
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 345-374).
Alison Maidment
The Edinburgh Mathematical Laboratory and Edmund Taylor Whittaker's role in the early development of numerical analysis in Britain.
Historia Mathematica
(pp. 39-63).
Peter B. Logan; Martin A. Sidor
John James Audubon's Overlooked “Great Work”: His Ornithological Biography.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 157-174).
Marelene Rayner-Canham; Geoff Rayner-Canham
Edith Pechey and Professor Crum Brown: A Key Part of the Edinburgh Seven Saga.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 84-90).
Bill Jenkins
Commercial Scientific Journals and Their Editors in Edinburgh, 1819–1832.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 69-81).
Murray C. T. Simpson
Scholarly book collecting in Restoration Scotland : The library of the Rev'd James Nairn (1629-1678).
Bill Jenkins
Race Before Darwin: Variation, Adaptation and the Natural History of Man in Post-Enlightenment Edinburgh, 1790–1835.
British Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 333-350).
Bill Jenkins
Evolution Before Darwin: Theories of the Transmutation of Species in Edinburgh, 1804–1834.
Miguel García-Sancho; Dmitriy Myelnikov
Between mice and sheep: Biotechnology, agricultural science and animal models in late-twentieth century Edinburgh.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 24-33).
Ben Martynoga
Molecular Tinkering: The Edinburgh Scientists Who Changed the Face of Modern Biology.
Hanna Hodacs; Stéphane Van Damme; Kenneth Nyberg
Linnaeus, Natural History and the Circulation of Knowledge.
Clare Button
James Cossar Ewart and the Origins of the Animal Breeding Research Department in Edinburgh, 1895–1920.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 445-477).
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