ID: CBA000117391


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article James F. Stark (2018)
“Replace them by Salads and Vegetables”: Dietary Innovation, Youthfulness, and Authority, 1900–1939. Global Food History (pp. 130-151). (/p/isis/citation/CBB834326250/) unapi

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Climate Change - How Can History Help?. Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (pp. 18-24). (/p/isis/citation/CBB754165675/) unapi

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Vitamin A and Australian Fish Liver Oils. Historical Records of Australian Science (pp. 55-70). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001214353/) unapi

Article Al-Gailani, Salim (2014)
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Accessory Food Factors: Understanding the Catalytic Function. Journal of the History of Biology (p. 483). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001220950/) unapi

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The Emergence of Vitamins as Bio-Political Objects during World War I. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (p. 179). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000954222/) unapi

Article Chatterjee, I. B. (2009)
The History of Vitamin C Research in India. Journal of Biosciences (p. 185). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001034009/) unapi

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