73 citations
related to Weimar Republic (1919-1933)
73 citations
related to Weimar Republic (1919-1933) as a subject or category
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Werner Plumpe
Januskopf der deutschen Geldwirtschaft: Karl Helfferich (1872 bis 1924) (Janus face of the German monetary economy: Karl Helfferich (1872 to 1924)).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 185-204).
Sam Dolbear; Esther Leslie
Dissonant Waves: Ernst Schoen and Experimental Sound in the 20th century.
Markus Flüggen
Die Eigenkapitalrentabilität deutscher Industrieaktiengesellschaften 1925–1929 (The Return on Equity of German Industrial Stock Corporations 1925–1929).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 1-36).
Maria M. Remenyi
Heinrich Wieleitner (1874–1931) and The Birth of Modern Mathematics—Science Communication and the Historiography of Mathematics in the Weimar Culture.
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
(pp. 51-82).
Laurens Schlicht
The world of deviance in the classroom: Psychological experiments on schoolchildren in Weimar Germany.
Science in Context
(pp. 479-499).
Klemens Grube
Exkursionen als Beitrag zur praxisorientierten akademischen Lehre – Wilhelm Kählers Besichtigungen der pommerschen Wirtschaft in der Weimarer Zeit.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 74-93).
Sonja G. Ostrow
Intersecting aims, divergent paths: The Allensbach Institute, the Institute for Social Research, and the making of public opinion research in 1950s West Germany.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(pp. 130-148).
Claas Kirchhelle
The Forgotten Typers: The Rise and Fall of Weimar Bacteriophage-Typing (1921–1935).
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 539-565).
Sebastian Hoffmann; Stephen P. Walker
(Autumn 2020)
Adapting to Crisis: Accounting Information Systems during the Weimar Hyperinflation.
Business History Review
(pp. 593-625).
Multimedia Object
Craig Sorvillo; Kravetz, Melissa
Melissa Kravetz, “Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany: Maternalism, Eugenics and Professional Identity” (U Toronto Press, 2019).
New Books Network Podcast.
Melissa Kravetz
Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany: Maternalism, Eugenics, and Professional Identity.
Martin Wieser
Buried Layers: On the Origins, Rise, and Fall of Stratification Theories.
History of Psychology
(pp. 1-32).
Birgit Lang; Joy Damousi; Alison Lewis
A History of the Case Study: Sexology, Psychoanalysis, Literature.
Hannes Walter
"Volksseuche" oder Randerscheinung? (Popular epidemic or marginal phenomenon?).
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
(pp. 311-348).
Michael Hau
Constitutional Therapy and Clinical Racial Hygiene in Weimar and Nazi Germany.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 115-143).
Monika Ankele
The Patient's View of Work Therapy: The Mental Hospital Hamburg-Langenhorn During the Weimar Republic.
In: Work Psychiatry and Society, c. 1750-2015
(pp. 238-261).
Eike-Christian Heine
Jenseits von Kultur und Zivilisation - Vereinzelte moralische Ansprüche an Technik und Techniker im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts.
TG Technikgeschichte
(pp. 265-286).
Annelie Ramsbrock
The Science of Beauty: Culture and Cosmetics in Modern Germany, 1750–1930.
Panoutsopoulos, Grigoris
The Current of Neoromanticism in the Weimar Republic: the Re-enchantment of Science and Technology.
HOST: Journal of History of Science and Technology
(pp. 40-63).
Leon, Juan Andres
Citizens of the Chemical Complex: Industrial Expertise and Science Philanthropy in Imperial and Weimar Germany.
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