69 citations
related to Tanzania (Tanganyika, Zanzibar)
69 citations
related to Tanzania (Tanganyika, Zanzibar) as a subject or category
Country Code TZ
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Matthew V. Bender
Water brings no harm : management knowledge and the struggle for the waters of Kilimanjaro.
Stephen J. Rockel
The Tutsi and the Nyamwezi: Cattle, Mobility, and the Transformation of Agro-Pastoralism in Nineteenth-Century Western Tanzania.
History in Africa
(pp. 231-261).
Ina Heumann; Holger Stoecker; Marco Tamborini; et al.
Dinosaurierfragmente: Zur Geschichte der Tendaguru-Expedition und ihrer Objekte, 1906-2018.
Daniel Karanja
Early Nineteenth-Century Temperature Recordings at Zanzibar.
International Journal of African Historical Studies
(pp. 163-167).
Paul Wenzel Geissler; Guillaume Lachenal; John Manton; et al.
Traces of the Future: An Archaeology of Medical Science in Africa.
P. Wenzel Geissler; Ann H. Kelly
(December 2016)
Field station as stage: Re-enacting scientific work and life in Amani, Tanzania.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 912-937).
Bernhard Gissibl
The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa.
Jonathan R. Walz
Zigua Medicine, between Mountains and Ocean: People, Performances, and Objects in Healing Motion.
In: Histories of Medicine and Healing in the Indian Ocean World, Volume Two: The Modern Period
(pp. 197-218).
Julie M. Weiskopf
Living in "Cold Storage": An Interior History of Tanzania's Sleeping Sickness Concentrations, 1933-1946.
International Journal of African Historical Studies
(pp. 1-22).
Sunseri, Thaddeus
The Entangled History of Sadoka (Rinderpest) and Veterinary Science in Tanzania and the Wider World, 1891--1901.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 92-121).
Paul J. Lane
The Archaeological Potential for Reconstructing the History of Labor Relations in East Africa, c. 1500–1900.
History in Africa
(pp. 277-306).
Decker, Corrie R.
Biology, Islam and The Science of Sex Education in Colonial Zanzibar.
Past and Present
(p. 215).
Loconto, Allison
Sustaining an Enterprise, Enacting SustainabiliTea.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 819-843).
Nasser, Latif Shiraz
Spasms of the Soul: The Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic in the Age of Independence.
Andrew Bank; Leslie J. Bank
Inside African Anthropology: Monica Wilson and her Interpreters.
Munson, Robert B
The Nature of Christianity in Northern Tanzania: Environmental and Social Change, 1890--1916.
Longair, Sarah
“The Lady Curator's Style”: Negotiating Curatorial Challenges in the Zanzibar Museum.
In: Curating Empire: Museums and the British Imperial Experience
(p. 122).
Dilger, Hansjörg
The (Ir)Relevance of Local Knowledge: Circuits of Medicine and Biopower in the Neoliberal Era.
In: The Globalization of Knowledge in History: Based on the 97th Dahlem Workshop
(pp. 501-524).
Kachur, S. Patrick
The Plausibility Design, Quasi-experiments, and Real-world Research: A Case Study of Antimalarial Combination Treatment in Tanzania.
In: Evidence, Ethos and Experiment: The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa
(p. 197).
Langwick, Stacey A.
Healers and Scientists: The Epistemological Politics of Research about Medicinal Plants in Tanzania, or “Moving Away from Traditional Medicine”.
In: Evidence, Ethos and Experiment: The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa
(p. 263).
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