ID: CBA000116849

Air warfare

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Michael Napier (2021)
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Book Michael W. Hankins (2021)
Flying Camelot: The F-15, the F-16, and the Weaponization of Fighter Pilot Nostalgia. (/p/isis/citation/CBB534059302/) unapi

Book Edward Kaplan (2020)
To Kill Nations: American Strategy in the Air-Atomic Age and the Rise of Mutually Assured Destruction. (/p/isis/citation/CBB328020999/) unapi

Book Richard D. Newton (2019)
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Biplanes at War: US Marine Corps Aviation in the Small Wars Era, 1915-1934. (/p/isis/citation/CBB736158952/) unapi

Book Frank Ledwidge (2018)
Aerial Warfare: The Battle for the Skies. (/p/isis/citation/CBB804261513/) unapi

Article Eugeniusz Sobczyński; Jerzy Pietruszka (2018)
Military aeronautical charts in the past and today. Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny (Polish Cartographical Review) (pp. 5-30). (/p/isis/citation/CBB440780313/) unapi

Book Steven A. Fino (2017)
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Book Hugh Gusterson (2016)
Drone: Remote Control Warfare. (/p/isis/citation/CBB353254698/) unapi

Article Lindgjerdet, Frode (May 2015)
Technology, Group Interest, and Norwegian Air Power, 1920–1940. Vulcan (pp. 110-129). (/p/isis/citation/CBB293066959/) unapi

Article Hallion, Richard P. (2014)
World War I: An Air War of Consequence. Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science (pp. 77-90). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001451192/) unapi

Article Head, William P. (2013)
The Battle for Ra's Al-Khafji and the Effects of Air Power January 29--February 1, 1991 Part II. Air Power History (pp. 22-33). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001320833/) unapi

Article Dvorak, Darrell F. (2013)
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Article Harvey, A. D. (2013)
Air Warfare in Perspective. Air Power History (pp. 4-13). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001320834/) unapi

Book Greenly, Larry W. (2013)
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Book Van Creveld, Martin (2011)
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Book Boyne, Walter J. (2011)
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Chapter Schmaltz, Florian (2010)
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