68 citations
related to Electrification
68 citations
related to Electrification as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Pratama Yudha Pradheksa; Putri Cahya Arimbi; Dian Tamitiadini
Public Engagement in Micro-hydro Technology in Central Java: A Call to Decentralize the Energy System.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 70-86).
Richard F. Hirsh
Powering American Farms: The Overlooked Origins of Rural Electrification.
Erola Simon Lleixà
L’electrificació de Puigcerdà: repte organitzatiu i impacte social [The Electrification of Puigcerdà: Organisational Challenge and Social Impact].
Quaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria
(pp. 33-46).
Michael Camp
Review of "Regenerating Dixie: electric energy and the modern South".
Journal of American History.
Kay, Michael
(May 2020)
"A Mighty Cobweb": Electricity, Aesthetics and the Urban Public Space.
Technology's Stories.
William P. Kennedy; P. J. R. Delargy
(Summer 2020)
Shorting the Future? Capital Markets and the Launch of the British Electrical Industry, 1882–1892.
Business History Review
(pp. 287-320).
Amy Sue Bix
‘Remember the Sabbath’: a history of technological decisions and innovation in Orthodox Jewish communities.
History and Technology
(pp. 205-239).
Abby Spinak
(January 2020)
"Not Quite So Freely as Air": Electrical Statecraft in North America.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 71-108).
Schädler, Jonas
Strom kontrollieren, Ströme steuern. Der Stromzähler im Kontext von Objektivierung und Organisierung der Elektrizität zwischen 1880 und 1930. (Control power, control currents. The electricity meter in the context of objectification and organization of electricity between 1880 and 1930.).
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
(pp. 11-32).
Casey P. Cater
Regenerating Dixie: electric energy and the modern South.
Ezra Max; Justin Berman
(September 2018)
Bridging the Mobile-Electrification Gap: The Potential for Privately Subsidized Phone Charging in Rural Africa.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 74-86).
Richard Hirsh
Shedding New Light on Rural Electrification: The Neglected Story of Successful Efforts to Power Up Farms in the 1920s and 1930s.
Agricultural History
(pp. 296-327).
Anto Mohsin
Lighting “Paradise”: A Sociopolitical History of Electrification in Bali.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 9-34).
Mohsin, Anto
Lighting “Paradise”: A Sociopolitical History of Electrification in Bali.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 9-34).
Leo Coleman
A moral technology: Electrification as political ritual in New Delhi.
John L. Neufeld
Selling Power: Economics, Policy, and Electric Utilities Before 1940.
Adam T. Michalski
(Spring/Summer 2015)
Milwaukee Road's Electrification.
Railroad History
(p. 66).
Schmid, Sonja D.
Producing Power: The Pre-Chernobyl History of the Soviet Nuclear Industry.
Jack Lucas
How Hydro Ontario Went Local: The Creation of Local Districts and the Ontario Central System.
Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(pp. 59-76).
Mock, Michelle
The Electric Home and Farm Authority, “Model T Appliances,“ and the Modernization of the Home Kitchen in the South.
Journal of Southern History
(pp. 73-108).
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