289 citations
related to Research methods
289 citations
related to Research methods as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Samantha Blickhan; Eleanor Bird; Andrew Lacey; et al.
The benefits of ‘slow’ development: towards a best practice for sustainable technical infrastructure through the Davy Notebooks Project.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 647-668).
Scott Curtis
Behavior takes form: Tracing the film image in scientific research.
History of the Human Sciences
(pp. 63-86).
Rick Minor; Linda P. Hart; Kathryn A. Toepel
The Archaeological Potential of Artificial Ground in Postindustrial Landscapes: A Case Study at the “Lowell of the Pacific Coast,” Oregon City, Oregon.
Historical Archaeology
(pp. 123-145).
Irati Otamendi-Irizar; Ana Azpiri Albistegui; Arritokieta Eizaguirre-Iribar
Research Methodology for the Documentation and Analysis Phase of Industrial Architectural Heritage Preservation: The Case of “Nueva Cerámica de Orio”.
Historical Archaeology
(pp. 67-89).
Giacomo Montanari; Marianna Marchini; Lucia Maini
The Historical Chemist.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(pp. 123-131).
Penelope K. Hardy
Thinking Inside the Box.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 105-108).
T. Y. Branch; G. M. Duché
Affective Labor in Integrative STS Research.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 131-150).
Eva Kaufholz-Soldat
“All manner of gymnastic evolutions” for science: Dorothea Klumpke (1861–1942) and a life in astronomical research.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(p. 100888).
Ryan Mathur; Jonathan Burns; Glenn Nelson; et al.
Finding Fort Roberdeau.
Historical Archaeology
(pp. 1319-1332).
Jefferson Pooley
The Plasticity of Social Knowledge: Paul F. Lazarsfeld and U.S. Communication Research, 1937–1952.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Denisse Vásquez-Guevara; Judith McIntosh White; David Weiss; et al.
Science Communication and Public Engagement: Evolving toward Science-Society Participation.
Martina Klausner; Jörg Niewöhner; Tim Seitz
Curating the Widerstandsaviso: three cases of ethnographic intravention in R&D consortia.
Science as Culture
(pp. 190-213).
Jacqueline D. Wernimont
Processing mortality data otherwise: making history in a turbulent sea.
History and Technology
(pp. 208-224).
Mikhail Sokolov
The art of ignoring others’ work among academics: A guessing game model of scholarly information search.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 300-312).
Milutin Stojanovic
Pursuitworthiness in urgent research: Lessons on well-ordered science from sustainability science.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 49-61).
Taylor M. Moore; Henry M. Cowles; Chitra Ramalingam
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 71-72).
Sarah Klein
Between People and Paper: Inhabiting Experiment in a Journal Club.
Science as Culture
(pp. 1-28).
Soledad de Olmos; Alfredo Lorenzo
Developing the theory of the extended amygdala with the use of the cupric-silver technique.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
(pp. 19-38).
Benjamin Gross
(October 2022)
Research in the Time of COVID: Virtual Fellowships at the Linda Hall Library.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 1140-1156).
Allison Marsh
(October 2022)
Fellows Online: The User Experience.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 1157-1167).
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