144 citations
related to Medical statistics
144 citations
related to Medical statistics as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Francis Lee
Detecting the unknown in a sea of knowns: Health surveillance, knowledge infrastructures, and the quest for classification egress.
Science in Context
(pp. 153-172).
Christopher J. Phillips
The Curve.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 159-161).
Kafui Adjaye-Gbewonyo
Validity of Measures for Chronic Disease in African Settings.
In: Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa
(pp. 181-211).
Olutobi Sanuade
Estimating and Monitoring the Burden of Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases in Ghana.
In: Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa
(pp. 212-230).
Nadine Metzger
Der Internist, Konstitutionspathologe und Sportmediziner Hermann Rautmann (1885–1956) (Hermann Rautmann (1885–1956), specialist for constitutional medicine, internal and sports medicine ).
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 32-70).
Ji-young Park
Statistics and Colonial Medicine: A Doubt and Controversy on Tuberculosis Statistics in Colonial Korea.
Korean Journal of Medical History
(pp. 509-550).
Marina Mogilner
Ara Relief Campaign in the Volga Region, Jewish Anthropometric Statistics, and the Scientific Promise of Integration.
Science in Context
(pp. 5-24).
Katharina Kreuder-Sonnen
Epidemiological State-Building in Interwar Poland: Discourses and Paper Technologies.
Science in Context
(pp. 43-65).
Sukumar P. Desai; Shreena A. Vyas
The Professor and the Student, Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1890–1962) and William Sealy Gosset (1876–1937): Careers of Two Giants in Mathematical Statistics.
Journal of Medical Biography
(pp. 98-107).
Ruffieux, Christiane
La Méthodologie de la Recherche Clinique à Genève entre la Fin du XVIIIe et le Début du XIXe Siècle: l'Exemple des Recherches sur le Croup.
(pp. 292-322).
Giroux, Élodie
The Framingham Study and the Constitution of a Restrictive Concept of Risk Factor.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 94-112).
Decker, Hannah S.
The Making of DSM-III: A Diagnostic Manual's Conquest of American Psychiatry.
Harris, Richard; Lewis, Robert
Colonial Anxiety Counted: Plague and Census in Bombay and Calcutta, 1901.
In: Imperial Contagions: Medicine, Hygiene, and Cultures of Planning in Asia
(p. 61).
Daniel, Claudia
Contar para curar: estadísticas y comunidad médica en Argentina, 1880--1940.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(pp. 89-114).
Caponi, Sandra
Emil Kraepelin y el problema de la degeneración.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(pp. 475-494).
Schleiner, Winfried
Early Modern Green Sickness and Pre-Freudian Hysteria.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(p. 661).
Martín, Abel Fernando Martínez; Abril, Fred Gustavo Manrique; Álvarez, Bernardo Francisco Meléndez
La pandemia de gripa de 1918 en Bogotá.
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
(p. 287).
Rusnock, Andrea
Medical Statistics and Hospital Medicine: The Case of the Smallpox Vaccination.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(p. 337).
Roynette, Odile
La Statistique médicale de l'armée française au XIXe siècle: un instrument de savoir et de pouvoir démographiques?.
In: Bevölkerungsfragen: Prozesse des Wissenstransfers in Deutschland und Frankreich (1870--1939)
(p. 67).
Jorland, Gérard; Opinel, Annick; Weisz, George
Body Counts: Medical Quantification in Historical and Sociological Perspective / La quantification medicale, perspetives historiques et sociologiques.
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