39 citations
related to Management techniques
39 citations
related to Management techniques as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Shane Hamilton
Managing the Farm: Bullshit in Theory and Practice.
Agricultural History
(pp. 1-22).
Emilienne Greenfield
The practice of note-taking in Taylor White's natural history collection.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 559-579).
Matthew Hockenberry; Nicole Starosielski; Susan Zieger
Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Yu Chen
Zhang Jian and the Transfer of Western Business Methods through Japan into China.
In: Strands of Modernization: The Circulation of Technology and Business Practices in East Asia, 1850-1920.
Matthew J. Hoffarth
From Achievement to Power: David C. Mcclelland, Mcber & Company, and the Business of the Thematic Apperception Test (tat), 1962–1985.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(pp. 153-168).
Harald Wixforth
Das Ende eines Automobil-Konzerns – der Borgward-Konkurs und die Bremer Politik (The end of an automobile company – Borgward’s bankruptcy and Bremen politics.).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 95-128).
Kira Lussier
Of Maslow, motives, and managers: The hierarchy of needs in American business, 1960–1985.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(pp. 319-341).
Franziska Eggimann
"Mitarbeiten heisst mitdenken": die Geschichte des Vorschlagswesens bei GF ("Employees think ahead": the history of the suggestion scheme at GF).
(pp. 134-141).
Milan J. Stankovic
(August 2018)
Automotive factory ‘Crvena Zastava’: Yugoslav self-management socialism and challenges for national automobile industry.
The Journal of Transport History
(pp. 236-251).
Maarten Derksen
Histories of Human Engineering: Tact and Technology.
Ülle Pärl
25 Years of Change in Management Control Systems and Business Education in Estonia.
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
(pp. 81-100).
Roberts, Lissa Louise
Accumulation and Management in Global Historical Perspective: An Introduction.
History of Science
(pp. 227-246).
Kuteinikov, A. V.; Shilov, V. V.
Automated Management Systems for the Soviet Union: A 1959 Letter from A. I. Kitov to N. S. Khrushchev.
VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki
(pp. 40-44).
Gläser, Jochen; Lange, Stefan; Laudel, Grit; et al.
Informed Authority? The Limited Use of Research Evaluation Systems for Managerial Control in Universities.
In: Reconfiguring Knowledge Production: Changing Authority Relationships in the Sciences and Their Consequences for Intellectual Innovation
(p. 148).
Yarnell, Damon A.
Behind the Line: Outside Supply, Mass Production, and the Question of Managerial Expertise in the Model T Era.
Legay, Marie-Laure
The Beginnings of Public Management: Administrative Science and Political Choices in the Eighteenth Century in France, Austria, and the Austrian Netherlands.
Journal of Modern History
(p. 253).
Le Roux, Muriel
A Chemist's Community as a Forerunner in Management Change and Innovation in France during the Second Part of the Twentieth Century? The Case of the Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, a CNRS Laboratory.
Business and Economic History On-Line
(p. 1).
Freeze, Karen J.
Unlikely Partners and the Management of Innovation in Communist Europe: A Case Study from the Czechoslovak Textile Machine Industry.
Business and Economic History On-Line
(p. 1).
Westwick, Peter J.
Reengineering Engineers: Management Philosophies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the 1990s.
Technology and Culture
(p. 67).
Sousa, Celio A. A.; Hendriks, Paul H. J.
That Obscure Object of Desire: The Management of Academic Knowledge.
Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy
(p. 259).
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