34 citations
related to Skeleton
34 citations
related to Skeleton as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Trevor Engel
A “Most Remarkable Trait”: “Flathead” Skulls, Indigenous Pathologization, and Transinstitutionalization.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 117-134).
Laurens de Rooy
The Shelf Life of Skulls: Anthropology and ‘race’ in the Vrolik Craniological Collection.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 309-337).
Clark Spencer Larsen; Fabian Crespo
Paleosyndemics: A Bioarchaeological and Biosocial Approach to Study Infectious Diseases in the Past.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 181-196).
Tommaso Mori; Alessandro Riga; Giulia Dionisio; et al.
Cranial modification and trepanation in pre-Hispanic collections from Peru in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology, Florence, Italy.
Medicina Historica
(pp. 1-12).
Anita Guerrini
The Whiteness of Bones: Sceletopoeia and the Human Body in Early Modern Europe.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 34-70).
Ricardo Roque
The Logic of Skull Writing: Bone Inscriptions and the Science of Race.
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 723-753).
Lucia Borrelli; Mariailaria Verderame
Malformed skulls from criminal Anthropology: a preliminary study on the Cranioteca of the Anthropology Museum of Naples.
Medicina Historica.
Luigi Papi
The story of Dante Alighieri’s human remains and their anthropological analysis in the past centuries.
Medicina Historica
(pp. 1-7).
Alessandra Morrone; Lisa Zorzato
The Song of the Science Mermaid: A Philosophical Trilogue on the Osteological Paradox.
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
(pp. 27-50).
Jorge L. García
The Aesthetic Dimension of Scientific Discovery: Finding the Inter-Maxillary Bone in Humans.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 30).
Madeleine Mant
‘A Little Time Woud Compleat the Cure’: Broken Bones and Fracture Experiences of the Working Poor in London’s General Hospitals During the Long Eighteenth Century.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 438-462).
Ricardo Ventura Santos; Bronwen Douglas
‘Polynesians’ in the Brazilian Hinterland? Sociohistorical Perspectives on Skulls, Genomics, Identity, and Nationhood.
History of the Human Sciences
(pp. 22-47).
Helena Franzén
From patient to specimen and back again: Radical surgeries and pelvic pathologies in Museum Obstetricum.
(pp. 33-57).
Garrard Cole; Tony Waldron; Susan Shelmerdine; et al.
The skeletal effects of congenital syphilis: the case of Parrot’s bones.
Medical History
(pp. 467-477).
João Lourenço Monteiro
Between Republicans and Freemasons: A Lost Zoological Collection Found in a Very Particular School.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(pp. 196-199).
Cynthia Klestinec
Vesalius among the Surgeons.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
(pp. 125-151).
Christa Kuljian
Darwin's Hunch: Science, Race and the Search for Human Origins.
Dana Turliuc; Șerban Turliuc; Andrei Cucu; et al.
An Entire Universe of the Roman World’s Architecture Found in the Human Skull.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
(pp. 88-100).
Alberto Zanatta; Giuliano Scattolin; Gaetano Thiene; et al.
Phrenology between anthropology and neurology in a nineteenth-century collection of skulls.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 482-492).
Santiago Giménez-Roldán
Paul Broca’s Search for Basque Skulls: The Full Story.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
(pp. 371-385).
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