24 citations
related to McGill University
18 citations
related to McGill University as a subject or category
Sheets-Pyenson, Susan
“Stones and bones and skeletons”: The origins and early development of the Peter Redpath Museum (1882-1912).
McGill Journal of Education
(pp. 49-62).
Gingras, Yves
La physique à McGill entre 1920 et 1940: La réception de la mécanique quantique par une communauté scientifique périphérique.
HSTC Bulletin: Journal of the History of Canadian Sciences, Technology, and Medicine
(pp. 15-39).
Peters, Suzanne M.
The land in trust: A social history of the organic farming movement.
Book The Osler Library (1979). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000005722/)
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