99 citations
related to Finland
99 citations
related to Finland as a subject or category
Country Code FI
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Markkanen, Tapio
The Development of the Classical Observatory: From a Functional Shelter for the Telescope to the Temple of Science.
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
(pp. 38-52).
Rasanen, Tuomas
Knowledge: Re-evaluating the Birth of Modern Environmentalism in Finland.
Environment and History
(p. 159).
Turtiainen, Jussi; Vāānānen, Ari
Men of Steel? The Masculinity of Metal Industry Workers in Finland after World War II.
Journal of Social History
(p. 449).
Jukka Nyyssönen
Identity Politics and Alliance Building Between the Sami Delegation and Conservationists in the Kessi Forest Dispute.
In: Thinking Through the Environment: Green Approaches to Global History
(pp. 179-198).
Valorinta, Mikko; Nokelainen, Tomi
Introduction and Early Use of Computers in the Finnish Retail Industry.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 45-55).
Siemsen, Hayo
Ernst Mach and the Epistemological Ideas Specific for Finnish Science Education.
Science and Education
(p. 245).
Männistö-Funk, Tiina
The Crossroads of Technology and Tradition: Vernacular Bicycles in Rural Finland, 1880--1910.
Technology and Culture
(p. 733).
Kotavaara, Ossi; Antikainen, Harri; Rusanen, Jarmo
Urbanization and Transportation in Finland, 1880--1970.
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
(pp. 89-109).
Setälä, Vienna; Väliverronen, Esa
Public Perception of Evolution and the Rise of Evolutionary Psychology in Finland.
Public Understanding of Science
(p. 558).
Timo Myllyntaus
Switching to a Biofuel at the Pinch: Wood Gas in Finnish Motoring during World War II.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 101-122).
Timo Myllyntaus
Design in Building an Industrial Identity: The Breakthrough of Finnish Design in the 1950s and 1960s.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 201-225).
Riikka Jalonen
Female Curiosity towards Automobile Technology: Car Service Courses for Finnish Women in the 1970s.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 74-91).
Lammi, Minna; Pantzar, Mika
The Fabulous New Material Culture. How Plastics Were Introduced to Finnish Consumers.
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften
(p. 105).
Tiina Männistö-Funk
Gendered Practices in Finnish Cycling, 1890—1939.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 53-73).
Barrow-Green, June
The Dramatic Episode of Sundman.
Historia Mathematica
(p. 164).
Timo Myllyntaus
The Entry of Males and Machines in the Kitchen: A Social History of the Microwave Oven in Finland.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 226-243).
Lehti, Raimo; Markkanen, Tapio
History of Astronomy in Finland, 1828--1918.
Rytteri, Teijo; Puhakka, Riikka
Formation of Finland's National Parks as a Political Issue.
Ethics, Place and Environment
(p. 91).
Immonen, Visa; Taavitsainen, Jussi-Pekka
Language, Nationalism and the Identity of Archaeologists: The Case of Juhani Rinne's Professorship in the 1920s.
In: Archives, Ancestors, Practices: Archaeology in the Light of Its History
(p. 273).
Lehto, Olli
Erhabene Welten: Das Leben Rolf Nevanlinnas.
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