33 citations
related to Czech Republic
33 citations
related to Czech Republic as a subject or category
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Michael Mielewczik; Johann Vollmann; Janine Moll-Mielewczik; et al.
Ein verkanntes Genie? Mendels Entdeckungen und ihre Bedeutung für Pflanzenzüchtung und die Grüne Revolution (A misunderstood genius? Mendel's discoveries and their significance for plant breeding and the Green Revolution).
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 362-369).
Daniel Heller
Revival of psychology in former Czechoslovakia and the contemporary Czech Republic after the fall of Totalitarian communist regimes.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(pp. 62-69).
Jarmila Skružná; Adéla Pokorná; Sylva Dobalová; et al.
Hortus siccus (1595) of Johann Brehe of Überlingen from the Broumov Benedictine monastery, Czech Republic, re-discovered.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 319-340).
Zdeňka Jastrzembská; Dagmar Pichová; Jan Zouhar
Czech Women Philosophers and Scientists.
Petar Jevremović
Sigmund Freud and Martin Pappenheim.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 83-92).
Ivonne Burghardt; Christiane Hemker
Das Archiv-Net Projekt: Bergbau und Mobilität im Erzgebirge im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit (The Project Archive-Net. Mining and Mobility in the Ore Mountains in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times).
Der Anschnitt. Zeitschrift für Montangeschichte
(pp. 237-252).
Helena Durnová; Tilman Sauer
Václav Hlavatý on Intuition in Riemannian Space.
Historia Mathematica
(pp. 60-79).
Ruhland, Florian
"Ayn liblichs piechel" wird digitalisiert: eine Spurensuche zur verschollen geglaubten Probierbuch-Handschrift des Wok Pniowsky von Eulenberg (1526) ("Ayn liblichs piechel" is being digitized: a search for traces of the supposedly lost book manuscript of Wok Pniowsky von Eulenberg (1526).
(pp. 96-107).
Eva Novotná
Jan Felki & syn, továrna na glóby : Jan Felkl & Son, A Globe-making Factory.
Rudolf Kučera
Rationed Life: Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 1914–1918.
Tomáš Nejeschleba
Between the Renaissance and the Baroque: Philosophy and Knowledge in the Czech Lands within the Wider European Context: A Preface.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 509-510).
Tomáš Nejeschleba; Jiří Michalík
Latin Alchemical Literature of Czech Provenance: Proceedings from the Centre for Renaissance Texts Conference (16-17 October 2014).
Claudia Muntschick
Topographie der Bauten der Moderne = Topografie staveb moderní architektury.
Norris, John A.
Auß Quecksilber und Schwefel Rein: Johann Mathesius (1504--65) and Sulfur-Mercurius in the Silver Mines of Joachimstal.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 35-48).
Kostihova, Marcela
Richard Recast: Renaissance Disability in a Postcommunist Culture.
In: Recovering Disability in Early Modern England
(p. 136).
Purš, Ivo; Karpenko, Vladimír
Alchymie a Rudolf II: Hledání tajemství pírody ve stední Evrop v 16. a 17. století.
Freudenthal, Gad; Roubinek, Jan
Georg (Jirí) Alter (1891--1972): Astronomer, Historian of Astronomy, and Musician.
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
(p. 115).
Hoskovcová, Simona; Hoskovec, Jirí; Plháková, Alena; et al.
Historiography of Czech Psychology.
History of Psychology
(p. 309).
Lorencová, Ivana
Development of Chemical Technology in Europe and America in the 20th Century.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 23-39).
Sleigh, Charlotte
Plastic Body, Permanent Body: Czech Representations of Corporeality in the Early Twentieth Century.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(p. 241).
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