117 citations
related to Corporations
117 citations
related to Corporations as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Isabelle Coquillard
The Docteurs Régents of the Paris Faculty of Medicine during the 18th Century. Uniting for the Faculty and being part of a Professional Group.
In: Storiografia Medica in Europa nel Novecento. Dalla Medicina di Precisione alla visione olistica
(pp. 31-144).
Francesco Baldanzi
Corporazione e professionisti della medicina nella Firenze di fine Cinquecento: regolamentazione, scontri ed eccezioni.
In: Storiografia Medica in Europa nel Novecento. Dalla Medicina di Precisione alla visione olistica
(pp. 105-118).
Daniel Robert
Courteous capitalism : Public relations and the monopoly problem, 1900-1930.
V. Camille Westmont
Social Engineering at the Company Home Hearth: Coal Company Use of Architecture to Control Domestic Spaces in the Pennsylvania Anthracite Region, 1866–1889.
Historical Archaeology
(pp. 782-803).
Elena Conis
How to Sell a Poison: The Rise, Fall, and Toxic Return of DDT.
Kean Birch; Kelly Bronson
Big Tech.
Science as Culture
(pp. 1-14).
Kelly Bronson; Phoebe Sengers
Big Tech Meets Big Ag: Diversifying Epistemologies of Data and Power.
Science as Culture
(pp. 15-28).
Jacob Hellman
Big Tech’s ‘Voracious Appetite,’ or Entrepreneurs Who Dream of Acquisition? Regulation and the Interpenetration of Corporate Scales.
Science as Culture
(pp. 149-161).
Martina Fuchs; Peter Dannenberg; Cathrin Wiedemann
Big Tech and Labour Resistance at Amazon.
Science as Culture
(pp. 29-43).
Guy Balzam; Noam Yuran
Assetization and the Logic of Venture Capital, or Why Facebook Does not ‘Feel’ Like a Monopoly to Zuckerberg.
Science as Culture
(pp. 107-120).
Anthony S. Travis
Historiography of the Chemical Industry: Technologies and Products versus Corporate History.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 50-61).
Zaynab Quadri
War Is Still a Racket: Private Military Contracting, US Imperialism, and the Iraq War.
American Quarterly
(pp. 523-543).
Horst A. Wessel
Der berufliche Werdegang der Mannesmann-Vorstandsvorsitzenden und ihre Arbeit im Team [The professional career of the Mannesmann CEOs and their teamwork].
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 73-100).
B. Zorina Khan
Related Investing: Family Networks, Gender, and Shareholding in Antebellum New England Corporations.
Business History Review
(pp. 487-524).
David P. Thomas; Coburn, Veldon
Capitalism & dispossession: corporate Canada at home and abroad.
Arman Azimi
Petroleum, Health, and Power: The Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Colonial Dimensions of Company Medicine in Iran, 1902–1931.
Tania Murray Li; Pujo Semedi
Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone.
Jessica M. Smith
Extracting Accountability: Engineers and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Essay Review
Laura Phillips Sawyer
(Summer 2021)
Review Essay: From Property Rights to Liberty Rights: We the Corporations, A Review Essay.
Business History Review.
Timothy W. Guinnane
(Spring 2021)
Creating a New Legal Form: The GmbH.
Business History Review
(pp. 3-32).
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