ID: CBA000113938

United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

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Book JPat Brown; B. C. D. Lipton; Michael Morisy (2019)
Scientists Under Surveillance: The FBI Files. (/p/isis/citation/CBB977707696/) unapi

Book David W. Carroll (2018)
Purpose and Cognition: Edward Tolman and the Transformation of American Psychology. (/p/isis/citation/CBB421940112/) unapi

Book Fred Jerome; Ajamu Baraka; David Suzuki (2018)
The Einstein File: The FBI's Secret War Against the World's Most Famous Scientist. (/p/isis/citation/CBB991869933/) unapi

Book David H. Price (2016)
Cold War Anthropology: The CIA, the Pentagon, and the Growth of Dual Use Anthropology. (/p/isis/citation/CBB603109839/) unapi

Article Sara Tocchetti; Sara Angeli Aguiton (September 2015)
Is an FBI Agent a DIY Biologist Like Any Other? A Cultural Analysis of a Biosecurity Risk. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 825-853). (/p/isis/citation/CBB076794965/) unapi

Article Borisov, V. P. (2012)
The Father of Television under FBI Surveillance: The Scientist and Inventor V. K. Zworykin in the 1940s. VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki (pp. 70-89). (/p/isis/citation/CBB001211417/) unapi

Chapter Stocking, George W., Jr. (2006)
Unfinished Business: Robert Gelston Armstrong, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the History of Anthropology at Chicago and in Nigeria. In: Central Sites, Peripheral Visions: Cultural and Institutional Crossings in the History of Anthropology (p. 99). (/p/isis/citation/CBB000760274/) unapi

Book Price, David H. (2004)
Threatening Anthropology: McCarthyism and the FBI's Surveillance of Activist Anthropologists. (/p/isis/citation/CBB000470728/) unapi

Book Jerome, Fred (2002)
The Einstein File: J. Edgar Hoover's Secret War against the World's Most Famous Scientist. (/p/isis/citation/CBB000201865/) unapi


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