46 citations
related to Fertilizers
46 citations
related to Fertilizers as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
William San Martin
Nitrogen Revolutions: Agricultural Expertise, Technology, and Policy in Cold War Chile.
Arnaud Page
“The Greatest Victory Which the Chemist Has Won in the Fight (…) Against Nature”: Nitrogenous Fertilizers in Great Britain and the British Empire, 1910s–1950s.
History of Science
(pp. 383-398).
Adam M. Romero
“From Oil Well to Farm”: Industrial Waste, Shell Oil, and the Petrochemical Turn (1927-1947).
Agricultural History
(pp. 70-93).
Timothy Johnson
Nitrogen Nation: The Legacy of World War I and the Politics of Chemical Agriculture in the United States, 1916-1933.
Agricultural History
(pp. 209-229).
Reed, Peter
Making War Work for Industry: The United Alkali Company's Central Laboratory During World War One.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(pp. 72-93).
Baranski, Marci R.
Wide Adaptation of Green Revolution Wheat: International Roots and the Indian Context of a New Plant Breeding Ideal, 1960--1970.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 41-50).
Uekōtter, Frank
Why Panaceas Work: Recasting Science, Knowledge, and Fertilizer Interests in German Agriculture.
Agricultural History
(p. 68).
Saha, Madhumita
Food for Soil, Food for People: Research on Food Crops, Fertilizers, and the Making of “Modern” Indian Agriculture.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 289-316).
Cushman, Gregory T.
Guano and the Opening of the Pacific World: A Global Ecological History.
Holland, Peter
Home in the Howling Wilderness: Settlers and the Environment in Southern New Zealand.
Owens, Brian
Long-term Research: Slow Science.
(p. 300).
Sarathchandra, Dilshani; Ten Eyck, Toby A.
To Tell the Truth: Keys in Newspaper Portrayals of the Public During Food Scares.
Food, Culture and Society
(p. 107).
Monzote, Reinaldo Funes
Animal Labor and Protection in Cuba: Changes in Relationships with Animals in the Nineteenth Century.
In: Centering Animals in Latin American History
(pp. 209-242).
Melillo, Edward D.
The First Green Revolution: Debt Peonage and the Making of the Nitrogen Fertilizer Trade, 1840--1930.
American Historical Review
(pp. 1028-1060).
David A. Dzombak
(Winter 2011)
Nutrient Control in Large-Scale U.S. Watersheds.
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
(pp. 13-22).
Elina, Olga Y.
Private Initiatives, Public Support, and War Practices: Development of Fertilisers in Russia.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(p. 29).
Whitney, Kristoffer
Living Lawns, Dying Waters: The Suburban Boom, Nitrogenous Fertilizers, and the Nonpoint Source Pollution Dilemma.
Technology and Culture
(p. 652).
Carey, David, Jr.
Guatemala's Green Revolution: Synthetic Fertilizer, Public Health, and Economic Autonomy in the Mayan Highland.
Agricultural History
(p. 283).
Rooij, Arjan van
Methods for Innovation: The Varying Role of Industrial Research in DSM's Nitrogen Fertilizer Business, 1925--1970.
Technology and Culture
(p. 550).
Knight, G. Roger
A Precocious Appetite: Industrial Agriculture and the Fertiliser Revolution in Java's Colonial Cane Fields, c. 1880-1914.
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
(p. 43).
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