46 citations
related to Fertilizers
46 citations
related to Fertilizers as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Juyoung Lee
Preparatory labor for chemical fertilizer: Rural modernity and the practices of South Korean farmers in the 1960s.
History of Science
(pp. 588-607).
Joshua Frens-String
Natural Partners: Chilean Nitrates and the Rise of Intensive Agriculture in the US South, 1900–1945.
Agricultural History
(pp. 48-83).
Christopher Michael Aldous
Replenishing the Soil: Food, Fertiliser and Soil Science in Occupied Japan (1945-52).
Environment and History
(pp. 311-337).
Justin Niermeier-Dohoney
“To Multiply Corn Two-Hundred-Fold”: The Alchemical Augmentation of Wheat Seeds in Seventeenth-Century English Husbandry.
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 284-314).
Derek Byerlee
The Super State: The Political Economy of Phosphate Fertilizer Use in South Australia, 1880–1940.
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
(pp. 99-128).
Christine Strotmann
Nitrogenous Fertilisers in Germany – Paths of Distribution from Chile Saltpetre to Haber-Bosch-Ammonia and Cyanamide (ca 1914–1930).
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
(pp. 159-189).
Luca Andreoni
Oilseed Cakes in Italy and France: Opportunities and Difficulties of a Market (late 19th and first half of the 20th Century).
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
(pp. 129-158).
Arnaud Page; Laurent Herment
The Price of Nitrogen at the End of the Nineteenth Century.
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
(pp. 49-70).
Beatriz Corbacho González; Roc Padró Caminal; David Soto Fernández; et al.
Management of Soil Fertility and Agricultural Intensification in NW Iberia, 1750–1900.
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
(pp. 19-47).
Michael Llopart
The French Nitrogen Industry during the Interwar Period: The Ambiguous Relationship between the State and Manufacturers.
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
(pp. 191-212).
Rajendra Prasad; Y. S. Shivay
A Brief History of the Fertilizer Nitrogen.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(pp. 60-64).
Arnaud Page; Laurent Herment; Christine Strotmann
Fertilisers in the Long 19th Century and Beyond: Usage, Commercialisation and Production (c 1800–1939).
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
(pp. 1-18).
Corinna Guerra
A terrifying poison or a cheap fertilizer? The life and death of Mount Vesuvius ash.
Science in Context
(pp. 281-296).
Moss, Michael S.
The British Fertiliser Manufacturers’ Association: Struggle for Survival 1870‒1930.
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
(pp. 71-98).
Jim Elser; Phil Haygarth
Phosphorus: Past and Future.
Christopher Halm
‘Enquiries on Plaister of Paris’: A Material History of Early Agrochemical Knowledge in the United States of America, 1785–1812.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 169-188).
Pieter De Graef
(August 2018)
The fruits of better roads and waterways: Facilitating fertiliser improvement through transport innovations in 18th-century Flemish Husbandry.
The Journal of Transport History
(pp. 170-192).
Anthony S. Travis
Nitrogen Capture: The Growth of an International Industry.
Paul Kreitman
(April 2018)
Attacked by Excrement: The Political Ecology of Shit in Wartime and Postwar Tokyo.
Environmental History
(pp. 342-366).
Roger L. Williams
Evan Pugh’s Penn State: America’s Model Agricultural College.
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