53 citations
related to Curiosities and wonders
53 citations
related to Curiosities and wonders as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Eric A. Cheezum
Chessie: A Cultural History of the Chesapeake Bay Sea Monster.
Whitney Barlow Robles
Curious Species: How Animals Made Natural History.
Travis Zadeh
Wonders and Rarities: The Marvelous Book That Traveled the World and Mapped the Cosmos.
Alistair S. Maeer
Fashioning an Expanding English World: Commerce, Curiosities, and Coastal Profiles from Edward Barlow’s 1668 Voyage to Italian Port Cities.
In: Britain and its neighbours : Cultural contacts and exchanges in medieval and early modern Europe.
Arlene Leis; Kacie L. Wills
Women and the Art and Science of Collecting in Eighteenth-Century Europe.
Eva Dolezel
Ordnen - Vernetzen - Vermitteln: Kunst- und Naturalienkammern der Frühen Neuzeit als Lehr- und Lernorte.
Margaret Willes
The Curious World of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn.
Steven Lubar
Inside the Lost Museum: Curating, Past and Present.
Elena del Rio Parra
Materia médica: Rareza, singularidad y accidente en la España temprano-moderna.
Knoeff, Rina
Touching Anatomy: On the Handling of Preparations in the Anatomical Cabinets of Frederik Ruysch (1638--1731).
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 32-44).
Margócsy, Dániel
The Fuzzy Metrics of Money: The Finances of Travel and the Reception of Curiosities in Early Modern Europe.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 381-404).
Lamont, Peter
Extraordinary Beliefs: A Historical Approach to a Psychological Problem.
Shanahan, John
The Dryden-Davenant Tempest, Wonder Production, and the State of Natural Philosophy in 1667.
Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
(p. 91).
Gänger, Stefanie
Curiosidades: la colección de Ana María Centeno en el Cuzco, 1832-1874.
In: Museos al detalle: colecciones, antigüedades e historia natural, 1790--1870
(pp. 219-228).
Margócsy, Dániel
The Fuzzy Metrics of Money: The Finances of Travel and the Reception of Curiosities in Early Modern Europe.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(p. 381).
Dalley, Stephanie
The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon: An Elusive World Wonder Traced.
Bycroft, Michael
Wonders in the Academy: The Value of Strange Facts in the Experimental Research of Charles Dufay.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 334-370).
Garbarino, Carla; Mazzarello, Paolo
A Strange Horn between Paolo Mantegazza and Charles Darwin.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(p. 184).
Sellen, Adam
El museo de los padres Camacho en Campeche, México, ca. 1830-1854.
In: Museos al detalle: colecciones, antigüedades e historia natural, 1790--1870
(pp. 157-178).
Knapman, Gareth
Curiosities or Science in the National Museum of Victoria: Procurement Networks and the Purpose of a Museum.
In: Curating Empire: Museums and the British Imperial Experience
(p. 82).
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