65 citations
related to Experimental biology
65 citations
related to Experimental biology as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Gall, Yasha M.; Konashev, Mikhail B.
The Discovery of Gramicidin S: The Intellectual Transformation of G. F. Gause from Biologist to Researcher of Antibiotics and on Its Meaning for the Fate of Russian Genetics.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 137).
Dutra, Luiz Henrique de Araujo
A epistemologia de Claude Bernard.
Levina, E. S.
“Krucin” has its fate... (Experimental biology in oncology: Past and present).
VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki
(p. 3).
Essay Review
Taub, Liba
Heroes of microscopy and museology.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
Cosans, Christopher Ernest
The Beginnings of Experimental Biology: Scientific Realism and Anatomy.
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