35 citations
related to Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel
34 citations
related to Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel as an author
Elizabeth Siegel Watkins
The Comeback of the IUD in Twenty-First Century USA.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 191-216).
Elizabeth Siegel Watkins
Future of the History of Pharmacy and Pharmacy in History: A Response.
Pharmacy in History
(pp. 39-42).
Aimee Medeiros; Elizabeth Siegel Watkins
Live Longer Better: The Historical Roots of Human Growth Hormone as Anti-Aging Medicine.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 333-359).
Jeremy A. Greene; Flurin Condrau; Elizabeth Siegel Watkins
Therapeutic Revolutions: Pharmaceuticals and Social Change in the Twentieth Century.
Elizabeth Siegel Watkins
Reconceiving the Pill: From Revolutionary Therapeutic to Lifestyle Drug.
In: Therapeutic Revolutions: Pharmaceuticals and Social Change in the Twentieth Century.
Jeremy A. Greene; Flurin Condrau; Elizabeth Siegel Watkins
Introduction: Medicine Made Modern by Medicines.
In: Therapeutic Revolutions: Pharmaceuticals and Social Change in the Twentieth Century.
Elizabeth Siegel Watkins
Review of "Health Care in America: A History".
Journal of American History.
Erika Michelle Langer
Molecular Ferment: The Rise and Proliferation of Yeast Model Organism Research.
Heather A. Dron
Teratology Transformed: Uncertainty, Knowledge, and Conflict over Environmental Etiologies of Birth Defects in Midcentury America.
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel
Review of "Broadcasting Birth Control: Mass Media and Family Planning".
Bulletin of the History of Medicine.
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel
Review of "The Nature and Nurture of Love: From Imprinting to Attachment in Cold War America".
Journal of American History.
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel
An Investigation into the Medicalization of Stress in the Twentieth Century.
Medicine Studies
(pp. 29-36).
Hernandez Berrones, Jethro
Revolutionary Medicine: Homeopathy and the Regulation of the Medical Profession in Mexico, 1853--1942.
Oertzen, Christine von; Rentetzi, Maria; Watkins, Elizabeth S.
Finding Science in Surprising Places: Gender and the Geography of Scientific Knowledge.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 73-80).
Kaplan, Rebecca
Cows, Cattle Owners, and the USDA: Brucellosis, Populations, and Public Health Policy in Twentieth Century United States.
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel
Review of "Toxic Bodies: Hormone Disruptors and the Legacy of DES".
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.
Greene, Jeremy A.; Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel
Prescribed: Writing, Filling, Using, and Abusing the Prescription in Modern America.
Medeiros, Aimee
Heightened Expectations: The History of the Human Growth Hormone Industry in America.
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel
The Social Construction of a Contraceptive Technology: An Investigation of the Meanings of Norplant.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(p. 33).
Conis, Elena
Calling the Shots: A Social History of Vaccination in the U.S., 1962--2008.
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